小児初期の軟骨無形成症患者のO脚への対応 / Correspondence about bow legs of toddlers with achondroplasia

小児初期の軟骨無形成症患者のO脚への対応 / Correspondence about bow legs of toddlers with achondroplasia

軟骨無形成症に伴う深刻な合併症の一つに内膝(O脚)があげられます。これは脛が外側に   弓なりに曲がる特徴を呈する体の変形O脚をいいます。左右の内くるぶし(足関節内果部)をそろえても、左右の膝の内側が接しないものです。軟骨無形成症患者においては、小児期より発現し、骨延長術の適齢期(小学校高学年~中学校)に外科的な矯正によって同時に脚の湾曲を矯正するのが一般的とされます。

One of the serious complications of achondroplasia is the bow legs. This is a deformation of the body that exhibits the characteristic that the shin bows outward. Even if the left and right ankles are aligned, the inner sides of the right and left knees are not in contact. In patients with achondroplasia, if appears in childhood, it seems to correct the curvature of the legs simultaneously by surgical correction during the appropriate age of limb lengthening (elementary school upper grade to junior high).

Source: Studyblue.com







-Cause of bow legs

Even in case of normal healthy children, the knees have bow legs during the infancy, and with the improvement of the leg strength with the start of walking, they gradually eversion and tend to have an X leg tendency from 2 to 6 years old. After that, the eversion has decreased a little, and it approaches the form of an adult at around 7 years old. Due to the growing mechanism, one of the causes of bow legs regarding the start of walking is the lack of thigh muscles, so the basics of physical therapy with the aim of strengthening muscle strength is effective.

-Correspondence example to child with achondroplasia

On the other hand, as it is difficult for children with achondroplasia to strengthen their muscles compared to normal children, alternative measures should be considered if signs of bow legs are observed. Here, as an example of bow legs correspondence seen in early childhood, physical therapy and foot plate of “adductor muscle” that does not rely on surgery and excessive exercise therapy, based on the views of orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist covering how to use the correction device.

1. 内転筋に関わるフィジカルセラピー






2. 足底板(インソール)の使用

O脚は、骨盤や足腰の歪みが原因の1つとして考えられています。 これらの歪みを直すには正しく歩く姿勢を保つことが重要です。その対策の一つに普段履いている靴にO脚対策用の足底板を入れることが有効ではないかと考えられます。







1. Physical therapy related to adductor muscle

Since it is considered that one of the causes of bow legs is that the “adductor muscle”, which is the role of closing the legs, is particularly weak in young children with achondroplasia, it is considered that strengthening the adductor muscles regarded as effective. The following exercises are available for strengthening the adductor muscles at home.

  • Hold a ball or cushion with both legs and close the legs slowly and keep for a few seconds at the limit
  • Slowly open your legs and repeat these
  • Set the above as one set and do it daily to increase the number of sets

2. Use of foot plate

Bow legs are considered to be one of the causes of distortion of the pelvis and legs. To correct these distortions, it is important to maintain a proper walking posture. It is thought that it is effective to put the foot plate for bow legs measures into the shoes usually worn as one of the measures.

※ The foot plate is a therapeutic insole for use in shoes.


By putting on shoes with a raised sole on the outside bottom, it works to enhance the movement to the valgus (X leg direction). Since knees of children with achondroplasia are easily moving from side to side, by increasing the movement to this valgus and immobilizing, distortion of the knee is reduced. Also, by putting pressure on the ball, it is easy to kick the ground, and the forward power is improved.
※ The ball is a bulge at the base of the thumb of the sole of the foot. When walking, running, jumping, etc., the weight is on the ground, and it is a part that kicks the ground and has a function to absorb shock.


While it is a therapy that can be expected to have a simple and constant effect, the force acting on the valgus (in the direction of the X leg) is released when removing the insole. There is a need to use gaps not only for lower shoes but also for upper shoes. Therefore, it is necessary to start from a low angle based on the opinion of orthopedic surgeons and orthologists (national qualifications).

Also, no matter how effective the foot plate is purchased, it has the disadvantage that it does not have to fit exactly to shoes of different sizes and shapes, as it has to fit into the shape of the shoe, thus the size along with the growth of the legs changes are essential.




Treatment of the disease-derived bow legs is broadly divided into conservative treatment such as using a sole plate and surgical treatment, but there is a disagreement as to the effect of conservative treatment using a brace. If the deformity is advanced, surgical treatment is required, and surgery is generally required to correct the lower extremity deformity. In the case of my child, it has been felt that three months have passed since he put on the foot plate, and stable running can be seen at a speed faster than before. On the other hand, with regard to endpoints he will get not to use it for the future, there is a problem because no useful suggestions can be obtained. 
Please refer to this case as an example of conservative treatment for children in early childhood.




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