リボミック、第Ⅰ相試験のスタディデザインを発表/ RIBOMIC, Study Design on Phase 1 Clinical Trial

リボミック、第Ⅰ相試験のスタディデザインを発表/ RIBOMIC, Study Design on Phase 1 Clinical Trial


RIBOMIC, Inc. announced on July 15th, 2020 (JST) that the first subject in cohort 1 was administered with RBM-007 subcutaneously in Phase 1 clinical trial in Japan and its study design.

Study Design

試験法 単剤、⾮盲検で実施する第 I 相臨床試験
被験者 健康成⼈男性ボランティア
投与方法 RBM-007 の単回⼜は 2 回皮下投与。それぞれ 0.1 mg/kg から 0.3 mg/kg、1.0 mg/kg 投与群へと、段階的に投与量の低い方から順次 試験を実施。単回投与は更に各用量を 2 ステップ(最初に 1 例、次に 残りの 3 例)に分けて投与を行う。
主要評価項目      安全性、忍容性及び薬物動態
コホート コホート 1:RBM-007、3 用量(0.1, 0.3, 1.0 mg/kg)、単回投与
コホート 2:RBM-007、3 用量(0.1, 0.3, 1.0 mg/kg)、1~2 週間隔で 2 回投与
被験者数 24 例(コホート 1:各用量 4 例、計 12 例、コホート2:各用量 4 例、計 12 例)
試験期間 2020 年 6 月~2021 年 3 月
施設数 国内 1 施設
Study DesignAn open label, unblinded, noncomparative Phase 1 study
Patient PopulationHealthy, male, adult Japanese volunteers
Administration Single or two-time subcutaneous administrations with RBM-007, dose-escalating with sequential cohorts of 0.1 mg/kg, 0.3 mg/kg and 1.0 mg/kg. For the single-injection cohorts, each cohort is divided into two steps (one subject will receive RBM-007 as the first step, and then the other three subjects will receive it as the next step).
Primary Endpoints Safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics
CohortCohort 1: RBM-007, 3 dose levels (0.1, 0.3, 1.0 mg/kg), once
Cohort 2: RBM-007, 3 dose levels (0.1, 0.3, 1.0 mg/kg), twice with an interval of 1 week to 2 weeks
Number of Subject 24 subjects (Cohort 1: 4 subjects in each dose, total 12 subjects, News Release Cohort 2: 4 subjects in each dose, total 12 subjects) )
Duration June 2020 – March 2021
Location Single site in Japan

現在、BioMarinの開発薬では日次、他のメーカーでは週次での投与が必要となるもの、RBM-007では月1回投与とされ、小児の軟骨無形性症の患者にとって最も負荷の低い治療薬として期待が集まっていました。一方、本第Ⅰ相試験では、単回、1~2 週 間隔で 2 回の各投与群がデザインされています。

It is expected as most less-burden for patients since RBM-007 is going to be administered once a month, which explains its superiority as a therapeutic drug for children with achondroplasia. In the meanwhile, according to the phase 1 study, its design is that several cohort is going to be dosed once, and twice with an interval of 1 week to 2 weeks.


GTA research  http://glory-to-achondroplasia.com/?p=2582

Ribomic website
Japanese  https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/4591/tdnet/1861038/00.pdf
English  https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/4591/ir_material3/144385/00.pdf



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