乗り物酔いの薬 臨床試験へ / Clinical trial of Meclizine

乗り物酔いの薬 臨床試験へ / Clinical trial of Meclizine



乗り物酔いの薬で低身長の難病治療 名古屋大准教授ら臨床試験へ









Yesterday, My friend informed me the news that medical treatment of dwarfism by using Meclizine. The press which is named Chunichi Shinbun( Local Press at almost Nagoya area)  reported at its main page of evening edition on Jan. 20th.

The key points are below.

・Clinical trial is started from 2015 at the earliest.

.  the Case of mouse, after 3 weeks to get growth by taking  the medcine

・it is dangerous for   infant and so on. using except to avoid suffering from motion sichness

Usually it is said that it is for  3 years old or more older. Eigo is going to take it after 1 year but it is also dangerous to take much more normal use.






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