京都大、iPS細胞で筋ジストロフィーの病態を再現/Kyoto university announced iPS cells can be used to correct genetic mutations that cause DMD

京都大、iPS細胞で筋ジストロフィーの病態を再現/Kyoto university announced iPS cells can be used to correct genetic mutations that cause DMD






iCeMs, Kyoto university  announced further big news on 20th Ang. today.

Researchers at the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA) show that induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells can be used to correct genetic mutations that cause Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The research, published in Stem Cell Reports, demonstrates how engineered nucleases, such as TALEN and CRISPR, can be used to edit the genome of iPS cells generated from the skin cells of a DMD patient. The cells were then differentiated into skeletal muscles, in which the mutation responsible for DMD had disappeared.


No matter what type seriour incurable disease, patients whole of the world including us are waitng for development of new medcines.

Although the news is just duplicate the the bigging phase of the disease, I really expect next achievement to cure something dirrectly.



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