試練と希望ー例え大きな困難があっても、護られ護り抜くことで人生に栄光を感じて欲しい/Trial and Hope – Whatever Difficulty Comes He Can also Have Glory through Save and to be Saved

試練と希望ー例え大きな困難があっても、護られ護り抜くことで人生に栄光を感じて欲しい/Trial and Hope – Whatever Difficulty Comes He Can also Have Glory through Save and to be Saved


During his hospitalization, as soon as I finished work, I used to go home and don a medical mask and apron to avoid having him catch a cold.

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まだ名の決まっていない息子を見ていて、私は決意しました。 致死率の高い、幼児期を乗り切れば、見た目のストレスや運動能力以外においては、特段ハンディを背負うことがないとされます。海外では、整形外科医になり、活躍している事例もあるとのこと。


As I glanced at my yet unnamed son, I realized something. If he was beyond the high mortality phase, he would have no serious handicap other than feeling the stress of short stature and physical movement. In foreign countries there are even some physicians with ACH or there are some famous actors. In Japan there are around 6,000 patients. I would be brave and show confidence with lot of colleagues, so I would like to make a way to cheer up all the such patients and their parents and bolster their hopes and encourage smiles rather than disappointments. I really would like such opportunities going forward rather for my son and other ACH afflicted people.



With his rising above this incurable disease I hope my son will feel the word “Glory” at the turning points of his life. I hope my son will save others and I hope my son will be saved by others.

Finally I named him “Eigo” which means “Glory” and “Save”.





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