【グローリー・パーソンwith ACH vol.2】「軟骨無形成症と健常者を繋ぐべく(前半)」/ Glorious PERSON with Achondroplasia vol.2 the 1st half – Achievement to connect people with Achondroplasia and normal

【グローリー・パーソンwith ACH vol.2】「軟骨無形成症と健常者を繋ぐべく(前半)」/ Glorious PERSON with Achondroplasia vol.2 the 1st half – Achievement to connect people with Achondroplasia and normal

2017年GTAは、軟骨無形成症を患いながら世界中で活躍するグローリーな方々からのインタビューや講話を提供するシリーズ企画 ”GLORY Person with Achondroplasia” をスタートしました。12月6日(水)17:00より、30年の歴史があるイタリアの軟骨無形成症支援団「AISAC」 代表のマルコ・セッサに御話いただきました。今回は、前半部分(AISACおよびマルコのライフヒストリー)についてインタビュー内容)をお届けします。

GTA based in Tokyo is planning to run lectures and interviews with people who suffer from achondroplasia but have succeeded in their fields through the world, called ” Glorious Person with ACH”. On 6th December Wed, Marco Sessa who is the president of Italian Organization for Achondroplasia named “AISAC” has gave us us an interview. In this time, we are going to post the 1st harf that is Introduction of AISAC and Marco’s life history.


1. Introduction of AISAC for Achondroplasia
1. 軟骨無形成症団体AISACについて

For starters, could you tell us your vision & mission of AISAC?

AISAC’s mission is to face up to achondroplasia in all his aspects. Inform, support, connect create nets between professionals, clinical centers, institutions and persons (families, members.etc).     AISAC worked in the years in order that Achondroplasia was considered not a “disease” but a “condition”. We do not need drugs to survive and in the past people with achondroplasia lived a not medicated life. We absolutely appreciate the medical progress and all the medical interventions (like limbs lengthening) that could improve the quality of life but remembering that our “difference” must be considers a value and not a disability. Our point of view is unique and could be an added value for the modern society that needs to understand what an inclusive world is.


How have you built the network, especially with professionals and clinical centers? 御話の中であった、専門家、クリニカルセンターとはどのようにしてネットワークを構築してきたのでしょうか。

We have stated 30 years ago when our association(group of patients) was bron in 1987. It’s a long work with specialists and doctors who sataterd with us and going in deep regarding knowing about achondrolasia. And as the association, we work with them always as all stakeholder not simple relation doctors- patients. Although doctors are professional of medicine, we are also specialist living in this condition.

The founder of AISAC is your mother, is that right? 確か、AISACはマルコのお母さんが立ち上げたんですよね。

Right! AISAC was born in 1987 when we were back from Soviet Union. Because we went there to have limb lengthen operation. When we were back, my mother with other parents of families created association to inform other people practices about achondroplasia, for example, the possibility of lengthening operation. And AISAC has just been 30 years old in 2017.

Right! Conguratilations! It was memorial year in 2017. Did you have any special party or something?

Yeah, we have done the memorial party in Rimini in May. はい、5月に、リミニでパーティを開催しました!

I can tell the happiness. Well, in my memory, the number of AISAC members is 800 or so? If yes, I can see the number is great. And I am interested in Italian common requests from patient members and families. What do they request?

We have to say, in this way, we have 800 members but we have to explain we are the association. The numeber of who pay the subscriptions are not 800. The numbers would be around 250. But we do believe that paying subscriptions is not so important.

I remember that 250 is the number of achondroplasia or parents who has children with achondroplasia and the others are supporters and members’ friends of normal families.

Exactly! First we meet parents and families and their first question is to understand “What is achondroplasia”; Achondroplasia is a rare disease and often is the first time they listen to this word. Unfortunately the most of the communication regarding achondroplasia diagnosis not always is made in the correct way. This is the big problem to communicate for the 1st diagnosis. We often hear in Italy doctors say “Your son would be a monster”.

It is very important to give to parents a “correct” idea and a right “image” of what Achondroplasia is and really means. Today we are working to “transform” Google in a partner and not in an enemy because it is not simple to face up with the web results like their pictures and they would know their conditions and lives of people with achondroplasia quite normal. So we try to host and welcome them and then to give them the answers to their requests that are:

  1. Information about Achondroplasia
  2. Information about clinical centers and dedicated medical doctors
  3. Information about scientific research
  4. Psychological support
  5. Social/legal support
  6. Families meetings
  7. About our programs and projects


  1. 軟骨無形成症に関する情報
  2. クリニカルセンターや献身的な医師に関する情報
  3. 科学的な研究に関する情報
  4. 心理的な支援
  5. 社会/制度的な支援
  6. 家族会
  7. 私たちのプログラムやプロジェクト

Tell us the difficulty, success and hopes about running AISAC for 30 years.

It is not easy to meditate and connect all the different approaches that parents and members have at a disease like Achondroplasia. Time, cultural skills, religion, ways of thinking influence what a parent or a member think about Achondroplasia and their condition. As an Association that must represent all is important to listen to the entire different exigence and request to grown up with the singular member without lose sight of all the others.

軟骨無形成症のような疾患の子どもを持つ両親や会員達のことを熟慮しあの手この手で繋いでいくことは並大抵のことではなかったですね。両親や会員達が考える軟骨無形成症やその状態については、時間の考え方、文化的な見地、宗教、ものごとの考え方などの違いがかなり影響していました。ただ、軟骨無形成症の方々を代表する患者会は、さまざまな緊急事案に耳を傾けて、総意を見失うことなく、ひとりひとりのメンバーと一緒に成長するよう対話をしていかなければなりません。 I believe that our 30 years of live is a big success, AISAC has grown with all the members, has acquired experience in facing the ongoing reality transformation (In 1987 my mother met in person or by telephone all the new members today we receive new memberships on Facebook).
私はAISACの軟骨無形成症の方々と共に歩んできた30年は、大成功であったと確信しています。AISACはすべて会員と共に成長し、現実と向かい合い今に至った経緯を有しています。1987年の設立当初、母は対面でまた電話で新たな会員と対話をしてきものですが、今ではFACE BOOKを通して新しい会員を受け入れることさえもできてしまいます。

But we have to improve our abilities and skills because the world keeps changing, people change. We have the big challenge about the scientific research and are important to be ready to follow our members in this adventure. Improve day by day influence the social and medical field. Different problems appear one another and other.
世界や人々が変わり続けるため、私たちも能力やスキルを向上させる必要があります。 私たちは科学の進歩について大きな挑戦をしています。この目まぐるしい変化において、会員についていくことが重要です。 日々知識を向上していくことで、社会や医療の分野に影響を与えることもできるのです。常に新しい課題が浮上していくことでしょう。

Tell us your opinion about public relation, including action of AISAC and public reaction.

I think that every single action count. Do you know the Mahatma Gandhi’s quote “Be the change that you wish to see in the world” ? First we have to believe in ourselves, in our abilities than the world could do anything other than became aware of that! We have a big responsibility for the public reaction. As you represent achondroplasia, the other person receives your behavers and yourselves. And every reaction has connected to the public understanding.

私はひとつひとつの行動の蓄積が重要だと思っています。マハトマ・ガンジーの有名な言葉 を知っていますか? 「どんな世の中になって欲しいかをイメージし、私たちがその変化そのものとなる必要がある。」 世の中がどうなるかについて気付くよりも、まずは私たち自身の能力を信じなければなりません! 私たちは社会や公の反応に対して大きな責任をもっています。皆様が社会からみて軟骨無形成症を代表しているのと同時に、受け手は皆様の行動ひいては皆様自身を受けとめ、結果、社会や公の認識に繋がるのです。

As AISAC work in schools with specifics programs about inclusion and about the value of every single identity for achondroplasia; Every day by social and media channels we spread our ideas of inclusion; When we have the opportunities we create public meeting – like the last week in Florence where we had a study day on the “dwarf’s image in the painting’s story”.

How about TV or radio program? It was for the 1st time when I was introduced you by Joanna, director of Little People of America 2 years ago, I noticed you have lots of experiences to have been a guest of media programs by serching internet. How did you get those oppotunities?

Since AISAC has just been 30 years old, we have got popular and have increased the numbers of media related people who knows us. So at the planing of those TV programs, most likely the media companies contact us.


2. Life History of Marco Sessa
2. マルコ・セッサのライフヒストリーについて

What kind of Supporting have you had from your parents, your growth in mind and body in terms of adaptation to formal education?

In my case, to be supported by familiy members have never been special. In fact I have big family consit of lots of realative, 2 brothers, 1sister and the parents. Our familiy members didn’t have any problems. Most of the case, it is said that it is the best for chidren with achondropla to be supportted by parents. In my case, although they support me in many situations, they had made me to work anything with my independence. Raised to be autonomous is really important, I think. So I do believe parents were the best parents for the children with achondroplasia.
私の場合、特段、両親からは特別な支援はなかったですね。実際、私の家族は大家族で、多くの親戚、2人の兄、1人の妹、そして両親が同居していたのですが。そう、まったくといってよいぐらい家族に私を巡る問題はなかったです。 多くの場合、軟骨無形成症の子どもは、両親から支援を得ることが最も大事なことであると言われます。ただ、私の場合、確かに様々なシーンで支援はしてくれたものの、私がひとりで何でもやりきれるように特段の支援をしなかったのです。自律を促すことが親にとっても大事なのでしょう。その意味で私は両親が軟骨無形成症の子どもにとって最も重要だと思うのです。

To be autonomous with making his or her isolation is important. On the other hand, have you ever experienced in harsh moment in fomal school?

We don’t have any special school in Italy, just normal public and private school. It has great quality in public school not only in Millan but also any other area in Italy. I have good friend from primary school. The only problem was that I hate studying in my primary student hood. So there are never any big differences from other normal students.

Please tell us your bone lengthening experience (including Italian forefront medical technologies).

As I told you before, AISAC was born after mine Russia adventure for the limb lengthening case my mother understood the importance to share and support others families. In Italy we have 4 or 5 centers for rimb lengthening. The quality is really high, so it is common, in my understanding 97 % children with achondroplasia, to have its opereations. We have Ilizarov and other method like KDSD.
先述のとり、私がロジアで骨延長術を受けて帰国した際、母がその重要性を知り多くの家族に知らせようとしたことで、AISACが始まりました。 イタリアでは、4,5程の骨延長術を施すことのできるクリニカルセンターがあります。その質は非常に高く、イリザロフ法やKDSD法など様々な骨延長術を受けることが可能です。そのため、イタリアでは、97%の軟骨無形成症の人がこの骨延長術を受けるのです。

Let’s move on the next topic. Please tell us success and difficulties about your previous and current job. I know that after your guraduation University of Millan you entered big IT compays working as a business consultant and changed into public department.

Yes, now I am working public sector. Before that generally I had worked IT sector. My 1st company was Hewlett Packard as woking project manager. In my 1st and 2nd job I had some problems with my boss. After that I have just general problem regarding ordinal business matter. I had good collegues, leaders and bosses who never exclude me. All the people and experiences are great. I experienced quite general.

The big issue regarding job for achondroplasia is to demonstrate that 10cm hight less doesen’t mean a smaller brain. When you reach this aim – that is not even so simple – sometimes happened that you are overvalue ‘cose people think – with a preconception – you are. I think that is very important that all people – with Achondroplasia and not – work hard in studies this is the key to have success in the job field. I’m actually satisfied with my job in the public administration.
軟骨無形成症の人が仕事をするうえで重要なのは、伸長が10cm低いからといって、脳味噌まで小さいわけではないことをしっかり体現していかなければならいことです。もちろん容易ではないのだけれど、目標を達成しようと意気込む際、時として人は、まわりの予想以上に価値を発揮することがあるはずです。 これは軟骨無形成症に限らずあらゆる人にとってとても重要なことといえるでしょう。しっかり勉学に励むことこそが仕事で成功を収める鍵となるはずです。実際そうやって私は今の公務員職に満足しています。

I’m wandering what is most important things to succes at the job?

The answer is “Study”. Study, study, and study. Our motive force will be come from studying. Our knowledge and technologies is sophisticated from studying. I often say to yonge people that it is important to study, to be patience, to make questions and to have aspiration. I guess it is not big matter for Japanese younge people but we Italinan tend to be lazy so I will always say so.

I can tell those tips are important. And there is one more thing I think important element is communication skill. The successes of AISAC and your business skill is owe to your sophisticated communication skill, is that right?

Yes, but I did not do about communication matter. We improved communication skill a lot. Exemplifying the naming our organization, AISAC means Association for Information and Study about Achondroplasia. Information is so important because as I said before we are in rear condition. We are not too much in the world in Italy as well. So the people 1stly do not know achondroplasia. So we must inform “what is achondroplasia?” to them, society and all stakeholders such doctors and scientific researchers etc. Then I would say one of the best way is to improve communication. Currently lots of communications tools has developed website SNS as facebook and so on. You can arrive with your information before meeting face to face. So it is important to have media channels and to use it.
そうですね、でも私もコミュニケーションスキルを意図的に向上させたことはありません。AISACの命名を例に説明すると、「AISAC」はAssociation for Information and Study about Achondroplasiaの頭文字から名づけられました。情報はとっても大事です。先述のとおり、私たちは希少な疾患をもっているからです。世界には限られた人しかいないわけです。イタリアも例外ではありません。だからこそ一般の方々は、最初に、軟骨無形成症とは何かを知りたがります。だからこそ、私たちは軟骨無形成症とは何かという問いに対して、答えを用意しなければならないし、社会やあらゆる利害関係者(医師や科学者)と対話をしなければなりません。そこで、コミュニケーションを向上する必要が出るといえるでしょう。時代の変化に伴い、最近は様々なコミュニケーションツール(ウェブサイトやSNS(facebook))が生まれてきました。対面で会う前にそうしたツールを使用することができるのです。だからこそ、多様なメディアを使う、学びながらコミュニケーションスキルを磨いていくことは重要だと考えます。



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