Vosoritide の現況、ASHG会合で開示か / New information about Vosoritide to be presented in the next ASHG 2016 meeting

Vosoritide の現況、ASHG会合で開示か / New information about Vosoritide to be presented in the next ASHG 2016 meeting

Dr. Morrys C. Kaisermannのブログ”Treating Achondroplasia”での情報です。10月にバンクーバーで開催される American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 会議でvosoritide (BMN-111)のフェーズ2の更なる結果が開示される見込み。

This post is from “Treating Achondroplasia” written by Dr. Morrys C. Kaisermann. Aborting to this, further results of the Vosoritied ongoing phase 2 study will be presented during the next American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) Meeting to be held in Vancouver in October.

2016年4月のR & D day以降、続報は開示されていないません。被験者1kg毎 30μgを投与する第4コーホートの結果、そして、フェーズ3の動向に今、注目が集まっています。

Since there is no real new data disclosed (at least in the meeting abstract), the attention now falls over the results of the ongoing fourth cohort, which is using a higher dose of vosoritide (30mcg/Kg/day) and the planned phase 3 study.


詳細はこちら/ Let’s see it!


Source: Treating Achondroplasia


Dr. Morrys C. Kaisermann

ブラジルGlaxoSmithKlineにおける臨床研究マネージャー( M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.) 。

Dr. Morrys Kaisermann ( M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.) is the Clinical Research manager for GlaxoSmithKline in Brazil.



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