カテゴリー: <span>1.物語の始まり/begining of the story</span>

ついに始まった、世界で初めて軟骨無形成症患者への治療薬投与/Initiated first dose for treatment of ACH in the world finally








January 14, 2014

BioMarin Doses First Patient in Phase 2 Trial With BMN 111 for the Treatment of Children With Achondroplasia

SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Jan. 14, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. (Nasdaq:BMRN) announced today that it has dosed the first child in the Phase 2 trial with BMN 111, an analog of C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP), for the treatment of children with achondroplasia. Achondroplasia is the most common form of disproportionate short stature or dwarfism.

“BMN 111 is representative of BioMarin’s core competency of developing life-altering therapies that address unmet medical needs,” stated Hank Fuchs, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of BioMarin. “In this Phase 2 study, we hope to see improvements in bone growth similar to what was observed in our preclinical models, and resulting improvements in the medical complications of achondroplasia that occur as a result of disproportionate bone growth. We believe treatment with BMN 111 for achondroplastic children will be well-tolerated and could potentially address the underlying cause of this condition and lead to benefits in the lives of these patients.”

The Phase 2 study is an open-label, sequential cohort, dose-escalation study of BMN 111 in children who are 5-14 years old. The primary objective of this study is to assess the safety and tolerability of daily subcutaneous doses of BMN 111 administered for 6 months. The secondary objectives will include an evaluation of change in annualized growth velocity, changes in absolute growth parameters, changes in body proportions and other medically relevant and functional aspects of achondroplasia, such as sleep apnea and joint range of motion. Prior to enrolling in the Phase 2 study, all patients will have participated in a 6 month natural history study to determine baseline growth velocity data. This is an international study that will enroll approximately 24 subjects for a treatment duration of 6 months.


念願の退院!長かった産後12日目/leaving the hospital, too long 12 days after delively

記念すべき共同生活がいよいよはじまりました。 病院へ通い詰めること、このころから、心身の疲労からか、家内との衝突が激しくなり記念すべき退院の迎えを家族で行うことができませんでした。 休日ながら、私は同行することなく、家内—-

試練と希望ー例え大きな困難があっても、護られ護り抜くことで人生に栄光を感じて欲しい/Trial and Hope – Whatever Difficulty Comes He Can also Have Glory through Save and to be Saved

入院期間中は、ずっと仕事帰りに、病院通いを繰り返してしました。風邪などがうつらないよう消毒に衣服のうえにはエプロンに用心を重ねます。 During his hospitalization, as soon as I fi—-

物語の始まり、軟骨無形成症と断定/ Begining of the Story, Dignosed as Achondroplasia

不治の難病 軟骨無形成症と診断 翌週、私を待っていたのは、まさに運命をかえる診断結果。 骨系統疾患、軟骨無形成症と断定。 実に現実離れした話で、何のことやら呑み込めない私に、成人身長130cm、幼児の高い死亡率という医師—-

穏やかな出産後、そして思わぬ宣告/After the Easy Delivery, Unexpected Sentence

■娘を連れ、急いで病院へ 夕刻、仕事を終え、保育園に立ち寄り、娘と2人で病院に向かいました。 疲れ果てた様子ももなく、妻は満面の笑みを浮かべ私たちを迎えてくれました。 As soon as I finished my w—-

待望の男児、わずか2時間で誕生/The Son I Always Wanted

感動的な出産の立ち会いをした第一子から4年。 私たち家族の第二の新しい仲間の誕生です。 しかも待ち焦がれていた男児! 女系家族に生まれ育った私にとって、その感激は一塩です。 予定より2週早く生まれたこの知らせに、驚きと興—-


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