vosoritide P2 第4コーホートの結果開示 / vosoritide P2 result of 4th cohort have been released

vosoritide P2 第4コーホートの結果開示 / vosoritide P2 result of 4th cohort have been released

バイオリン社は、vosoritideフェーズ2における第4コーホートの結果をAmerican Society of Human Genetics 2016 Meeting(10月19日)において発表しました。


Biomarin announced the press release on October 19th. It was the result of the 4th cohort of phase 2 at the American Society of Human Genetics 2016 Meeting.It was announced that cohort 4 that is 30μg/kg is safe. However they got a better result when cohort 3, 15μg/kg was used. So the they decided to use 15μg for the upcoming phase 3.


Please click on these links to refer the data and better instruction.

Beyond Achondroplasisa

Treating Achondroplasia



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