In Japan, the school year begins in April and ends in March. The graduation ceremony peaked in mid to late March. On the other hand, this year, due to the worldwide spread of the new coronavirus infection, many schools have reduced the size of their graduation ceremonies, such as shortening their hours and restricting admission.
Fortunately, in our nursery school, fortunately graduated kids and parents can attend, and for an hour, very limited time our graduation ceremony was held.
Since it was the first life stage break of a child with the rare condition of achondroplasia, in addition to this unprecedented social situation, it reminded me of the various sufferings, conflicts and delight we experienced so far.
0-2歳 / 0-2 years
〇園舎での生活 / Life in the kindergarten
– Group life with other kids started 9 months after his birth. At the time of admission, the difference in body size with classmates was not remarkable.
– He used to become sick frequently, because he lost his immunity from his mother, so we often go back and forth to the hospital, despite while working.
〇体調 / State of health
- Once he caught cold, he used to be worse since he would be less blood oxygen saturation or to be infection with other viruses.
- Until his age of 2, he used to be hospitalization for a long period of time, like every season.
〇身体機能 / Physical functions
- He started crawl from 1 year old. The crawl period lasted for about a year, because he did not start standing and walking easily.
- By receiving guidance in nursing care, he got to stand when he was 18 months, he started walling several steps at the age of 22 months, finally , he got to walk completely around 2 years old.
〇合併症 / Complications
・ Unpredictable conditions on the stenosis of the foramen magnum continued until about 18 months, but the condition gradually got well.
・ He was slightly deaf due to secretory otitis media. We continued to speak loudly near his ears or treated otitis media, but he had surgery to insert tubes in both ears because of secretory otitis media again and gain. As a result, he experienced a delay in speaking until the middle of the age of two.
〇セカンドオピニオン / Second opinion
・アメリカの患者支援団Little People of Americaの医療チームの診断・助言を得ることができました。
– We had the diagnosis and advice of the medical team, Little People of America, the American Patient advocacy organization.
– We learned about appropriate exercise, postures make less burden on his back, and how to raise and respect individuality with dwarfism / how to interact with others.
3-4歳 / 3-4 years
〇園舎での生活 / Life in the kindergarten
– At the age of three, he got to have childish conversations. And he also learnt to communicate with his classmates.
– We requested caregivers / school teachers to give him childcare style that was not to be overprotected, and his sense of independence has grown greatly. On the other hand, his mental was still easy to be wounded, delicate and easy to cry at that time.
〇体調 / State of health
– It became almost no longer a condition leading up to the delicate hospitalization.
〇合併症 / Complications
– The scoliosis has stood out. School teachers and caregivers have always been careful about his posture to sleep and to sit down in order to avoid getting worse.
〇身体機能 / Physical functions
– About walking, he couldn’t walk long distance compared to his classmates. With the support of the nursery teachers, he gradually got used to it.
– We learnt a variety of advice and guidance for the purpose of maintaining proper skeleton and improving motor function by caregivers on visiting nursing program.
〇セカンドオピニオン / Second opinion
・Beyond Achondroplasia のイネス・アルヴスの勧めで、スペインのALPE FOUNDATIONを訪問し、現地の先生方や専門家の方々に各種診断、エクササイズを受けてきました。
– On the recommendation of Inês Alves, Director at Beyond Achondroplasia, we visited the ALPE FOUNDATION in Spain and got various diagnoses and exercises by local doctors and specialties.
〇園舎での生活 / Life in the kindergarten
– He had changed from the weak nature of the previous to the strong nature of the negative spirit in everything.
-文化活動 / Cultural Activities
– Since his height got be big difference with his classmates’, he used to be remarkable child of individuality even in the cast on parent’s day.
– He had come to speak without being afraid in public.
-身体機能 / Physical functions
– He got to walk by himself outside the school without any supports gradually.
– About physical activities like running, The difference in ability between classmates has become remarkable.
– On the other hand, we found many activities he can be accomplished with the help of teachers and classmates.
〇合併症 / Complications
・After taking off the his ear tubes, the eardrum on the left side reproduced, and the secretory otitis media immediately recurs. After treatment and follow-up, the tube was inserted again in the left ear because it reoccurred continuously.
・We made the sole plat because he got mild bow leg, and it came to use it as an insole.
〇課外活動において / Extracurricular activity
・While his sister and parents looked after him, he got to do harvesting in the rice field.
On the other hand, he could not start swimming exercise because the fear of water was not able to be eliminated. We continue to face each other as an issue that needs to be overcome.
卒園式を終えて / After the graduation ceremony
We prepared a suit that matched his body and went to the graduation ceremony. He was able to play musical instruments, sing songs, award graduate certificates, and talk about his dreams for the future on the same stage as his classmates.
It came to complete the nursery life while standing in the same states as the classmate, and watching by their parents though it was in the height which was different from the classmate one head even if he was standing on the step.
おわりに / At the end
The various hardships, delight, and growth we’ve experienced since we entered the nursery school, and the encounters with the many supporters, reminded me of the horse light. Due to the privatization of nursery schools and the relocation of our homes, we have been indebted to many of supporters in three nursery school. Every single of these benefits, and every moment, has left us in our hearts and gave us the strength to overcome difficulties while being in a difficult situation.
Even after entering elementary school, we would like to find out how to grow and interact with others in the gap between disease and individuality.