軟骨無形成症患者へのフィジカルセラピー/Physical therapy for achondroplasia

軟骨無形成症患者へのフィジカルセラピー/Physical therapy for achondroplasia

Fundación ALPE achondroplasiaというスペインにある財団が発信している取り組みです。


The efforts are made by Fundación ALPE achondroplasia (Head-office in Spain).

You can see list of videos in this YouTube. Those are for babies and children with achondroplasia to improve postural and motor work development. Please click thumb below. Although the titles are in Spanish, they are easy to follow in a visual understanding basis.





よろしければ、是非感想などを寄せてください。今回ご対応頂いたALPEの方は、GLORY TO ACHONDOROLASIAをご覧になっている日本の患者・ご家族のご意見を参考にしたいとおっしゃっています。

The objective for babys and children is to stimulate their possiblities and to improve to higher level.  And hope their Physical improvement.

According to ALPE they are possibly 1 year and 7 years. It seems that the baby has already held up his or her head, right?

Actually, for the first time when I saw the movies is just before Eigo’s first birth day. At that time since he has not held up his head yet, we tried just a few exercises lying on his back. But now he can understand what we say, so we are going to try all of them one more time as the boy in the movies shows.

Please check the playlist on the top left corner of this video link to see the full list of videos.



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