スペインで軟骨無形成症をはじめとした骨系統疾患の小児患者を支援する団体「ALPE FOUNDATION」(本拠地:スペイン(北部)・ヒホン)が、2018年10月12日から14日、世界会合を開催します。この会合は4年に1度開催され、世界中の骨系統疾患者に関連する家族、臨床医、研究者、心理学者、弁護士、当事者、その他小人症に関心のある一般の方々を対象に行うものです。
VI International Congress on Achondroplasia, to be held in October, the 12th, 13th and 14th 2018 in Gijón, Northern Spain, were ALPE Achondroplasia Foundation is located. This congress is organized every four years and it gathers persons from all over the world with skeletal dysplasia and dwarfism as well as families, clinicians, researchers, educators, social psychologists, lawyers and, in general, persons with an interest on dwarfism.
There are opportunities for fun and socialization too. Gijón is an open and welcoming town.
10.12.2018 10:30 am – 10.14.2018 4:30 pm
Recinto ferial Luis Adaro-FIDMA, Gijón, Asturias
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