グローリー・パーソン with ACHでご登壇頂いた西村大樹さんは、去年東京渋谷区に職場を移し、子ども達に身体表現活動を教える仕事に従事しています。そんな彼は、新たな目標を定め、かけがえのないダンス仲間と共に2020年東京パラリンピックのセレモニーダンサーの出演を目指しています。障がい有するかは不問にして、健常者との共作がダイバーシティ・インクルージョンの鍵となることを信じ邁進している様がNHK WORLD JAPANに放映されています。
Daiki Nishimura, Glorious Person with ACH had moved his job in Shibuya-ku and teach Physical Education through Dance for children. Now he set new goal performing at the ceremonies upcoming in Tokyo Paralympic Games with precious colleagues. His efforts is broadcasted on internet program named NHK WORLD JAPAN. It is one of a key to realize diversity inclusion that makes mutual activities between people with disability and normal. This progam will be available until middle of October 2018.
-Begging of the VIDEO
“Daiki Nishimura uses his whole body to show off dynamic dance moves. He practices at least 4 days a week. He was born with a condition that limited bone growth. But he has never let stop him from challenging himself what pushing his boundaries. He became absorbed in dancing when he started in his junior high. When Tokyo was selected to host the next Paralympics, he set the goal.”
Once he set the goal performing at the ceremonies upcoming in Tokyo Paralympic Games, but also he is aiming a society that all minority people could be recognized their personality, got supports and finally they can find motivation in their lives.