ALPE FOUNDATION, 第6回 軟骨無形成症と骨系統疾患に関する世界会合の報告 / 6th International Congress on Achondroplasia and Other Bone Dysplasia report

ALPE FOUNDATION, 第6回 軟骨無形成症と骨系統疾患に関する世界会合の報告 / 6th International Congress on Achondroplasia and Other Bone Dysplasia report

Source of pictures: Taken by ALPE FOUDATION

ALPE FOUNDATIONが主催する4年に一度の世界会合【第6回 軟骨無形成症と骨系統疾患に関する世界会合(10/12-14)】に参加してまいりました。今回は、100を超える話題提供者、延べ700名の参加者が世界各国から訪れました。欧米豪を中心に著名な先生方や医薬品企業、専門家、スペインにおいて活躍するベテランやユース、そして、世界18か国の患者支援団の代表者・国際コーディネーターが集い、当該領域のあらゆるジャンルの最新情報、当時者の声を届けるべく開催されたものです。


The 6th International Congress on Achondroplasia and Other Bone Dysplasias hold every four years has taken place in Gijón on Oct. 12, 13 and 14, 2018. In this 6th congress, more than 100 speakers and 700 participants from all around the world traveled to Gijón: preeminent and world-famous doctors, pharmaceutical companies, various professions involved in ALPE and representatives from 18 patient advocacy organizations from all over the world. Therefore, this congress is built over the highest quality information, with the presence of the best experts in the world in clinical practice, the most renowned scientific researchers, the most sensitive social analysts, and human rights activists, along with an unavoidable and active presence of people with dwarfism and families, and during the congress days, promotes the relationship between all of them.

See the program during the 3days

豪Murdoch Childrens Research Instituteのprofessionals such as Ravi Savarirayanをはじめとした世界でも著名な教授陣、開催国スペインの医療専門家チームなど、小児および成人の骨系統疾患のスぺシャリストが集いました。複雑で特殊な症例の患者の診療を経験の紹介・評価・助言を行うものであり、正に最先端の研究発表がなされたものです。また、製薬会社からは、BioMarin, Therachon, Ascendis Pharma and QED Therapeuticsの4社が企業が進行中の治験の状況についての紹介がありました。会場からは、子どもにとってどの薬が良いのか、コンビネーション療法の可能性といった点について質疑がありました。臨床段階では解を得ることができず、個々の投与結果を評価をしていくことになります。

-In the medical specialties field,
Famous doctors or professors coming from the most prestigious centers in the world such as Dr. Ravi Savarirayan from Murdoch Children Research Institute, also counting with important Spanish experts, and professionals of the same ALPE team, are precisely these professionals that take care of the health of children and adults affected by bone dysplasias with dwarfism. They are generous of assessing and advising patients with complicated cases during the days of the congress.
On the other hand, the four pharmaceutical companies (BioMarin, Therachon, Ascendis Pharma and QED Therapeutics) that have started or are beginning clinical trials in humans for products for achondroplasia presented the advances on their projects at the congress. About Q&A, they have questions like “which is most probably effective for their children?” ”Is there any possibility to have a combination treatment? But they cannot answer that at least clinical trials phase, so we have got to evaluate every single result.

-International session


1.   小人症患者のQOLを向上させるための指標を3つあげるなら何か



The session “International Patient Organizations: building networks” with representatives from 18 countries(Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, Argentina, Pakistan, Japan, Russia and from many European countries) hold on day 2. The moments all had for a brief presentation, regarding following 2 questions.

  1. What three measurements do you think should be applied in your country to improve the life quality of persons with dwarfism.
  2. (If we were able to work together, united, internationally) Which do you think should be the main project of such work?


GTA gathered and picked 3measurements among our network of parents and people with ACH that are 1stly to ensure a platform is available that disseminates information to others, particularly medical information, 2ndly to ensure equality in the opportunities for people with dwarfism to acquire meaningful work and thirdly to improve people’s general awareness of dwarfism. Regarding 2nd question, we presented the way of improving awareness in each society.
All the other representatives also showed the importance of opportunities to work. Throughout the session, unfortunately, we could not discuss our content because of time shortage. But we could know each other and exchange contact with each other.

GTA Presentation

Session about ALPE

最終日、世界の患者・家族を対象に提供しているALPE FOUNDATIONの支援プログラムについて紹介がなされました。ALPE FOUNDATIONは、年齢を問わず軟骨無形成症患者に対して、初期対応、教育機関への助言・支援、社会への適合、合併症等の再発に関する諸課題への「統合的なアプローチ」を施します。彼らが掲げる「統合的なアプローチ」とは、心身の発達向上や合併症予防に関わる診断や治療法を個別バラバラに考え、実施するのではなく、相関して考え実践するということです。「ALPE メソッド」は世界中の軟骨無形成症の子どもたちを診断するなかで、フィジカルセラピー、スピーチセラピー、オステオパシーなど様々な独自の方法論が開発されてきました。それらすべては、子どもたちの体力や適応力をより強く、よりバランスよく、ひいては様々な合併症を抑えることを目的としています。


One day 3, the session among the ALPE support for parents and patients all over the world. The ALPE Foundation’s work has a holistic approach for children and adults with achondroplasia fully oriented to: meet early intervention needs, provide school support, assist with social integration, assist with the prevention of health problems that are recurrent in achondroplasia, improve physical and psychological development, promote research projects and methods to reduce health side effects, diagnosis and treatment of the achondroplasia.

See the detail about their supports


At the ALPE congress, it was discussed this specific problem of dwarfism, by lawyers, journalists, activists, politicians, and clinical and social psychologists. There were also sessions about sports, its importance in the construction of the personality. Parents and teenagers have talked about their feelings and teachers debated the importance of inclusive education. Also, numerous practical workshops have taken place in parallel with great success. Themes are as sexuality, osteopathy, pregnancy and childbirth, rehabilitation care and pre and post-surgical, psychology, emotional education. At the ALPE congress, information and knowledge are filled with values and motivation.

末筆ながら、今回の渡航を実現させてくれたCarmen Alonso、秘書兼通訳のEstefánia Gonzalezそして、Scientific advisorのInês Alvesに御礼申し上げます。

Finally, I would like to say highly appreciate their kindness of Carmen Alonso and main contact that Estefánia Gonzalez(Secretary and translator) and Inês Alves(Scientific advisor).



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