The Norwegian Adult Achondroplasia Study has released on clinicalTrailsgov. The study aims to investigate the Norwegian adult achondroplasia population regarding degree and extent of symptoms and clinical manifestations and how this population manages in daily life, including demographics, physical function, and work participation. They started this study on March 1 2017 and estimated primary completion date on February 28 2019 and final study completion date on December 31 2021.
本研究は、ノルウェーの成人軟骨無形成症患者における脊柱管狭窄症、慢性疼痛、睡眠時無呼吸、聴覚障害、心血管危険因子および体組成の程度・度合を調査することを目的としています。また、身体的機能、日常活動を行う能力、仕事への参加、補助器具の必要性、そして社会的利益への要因の影響についても調査します。 研究に当たってはpatient association NiK, TRS National Resource Centre for Rare Disorders, Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, Lovisenberg Diakonale Hospital and Oslo University Hospitalと共同で実施されています。
- ノルウェー語を話し、理解することができる、軟骨無形成症の臨床および遺伝学的診断を受けた16歳以上のノルウェー居住者。
- 重度の認知障害、精神疾患、薬物乱用、または研究に参加できないような病状
Study Description:
The study aims to investigate the Norwegian adult achondroplasia population regarding degree and extent of symptoms and clinical manifestations and how this population manages in daily life, including demographics, physical function, and work participation.
Detailed Description:
The present study aims to investigate the degree and extent of spinal stenosis, chronic pain, sleep apnoea, impaired hearing, cardiovascular risk factors and body composition in Norwegian adults with achondroplasia. The study will also explore these factors’ impact on physical function, ability to perform daily activities, work participation and needs for assistive devices and social benefits. The study is conducted in collaboration with the patient association NiK, TRS National Resource Centre for Rare Disorders, Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, Lovisenberg Diakonale Hospital and Oslo University Hospital.
Study Population
Adults 16 years or older with achondroplasia
Inclusion Criteria:
- Residents of Norway, aged 16 years or older with a clinical and genetic diagnosis of achondroplasia, who speak and understand the Norwegian language.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Severe cognitive deficits, mental illness, substance abuse or having a medical condition making them unable to participate in the study