オーストラリアのブリスベンで、9歳になる男児のQuadenは、アボリジニの血を引き、尚且つ、軟骨無形成症を有することから、従前より度重なる厳しいいじめを受けていました。19日(水)、学校より帰宅途中、母の運転する車内で、「ナイフを手に取って、自らの命を絶ちたい」と赤裸々にその悲痛を訴えました。母のYarraka Baylesさんがこの動画を撮影し、ソーシャルメディアを通じてライブストリーミングしたことで今般、注目を集めました。
Children reached their school age meet and grow with many classmates and older children. While this is a necessary set of preferences for children with Achondroplasia same as ordinal students, it is also inevitable to face more harsh moments.
Quaden, a nine-year-old boy in Brisbane, Australia, has Murri blood and achondroplasia, so he was subject to severe bullying, which was more intense than before, and on Wednesday 19th last week, in a car driven by his mother on his way home from school, he said, “Give me a knife and I want to take my own life.” My mother, Yarraka Bayles shared this video and streaming it live through social media and the news has got famous in the world.
この動画は投稿後数日で1,000万回以上再生され、世界中から励ましのコメントが寄せられています。一方あまりにも動画が衝撃的であることや、同じく軟骨無形成症である米コメディアンのBrad Williamsが、Quadenたち家族を励ますべく立ち上げたクラウンドファンディングによって多額の資金を集めたことなどに対する批判も一部浴びました。
“Little is Great”の愛称で一躍有名になったSmile Rileeのお母さんは、この件について、軟骨無形成症に起因するいじめの原因を「一般の子どもたちや親たちが、容姿が他の子どもと異なる人に対して、どう接するべきか教えられていないことによる」と話します。また、すべての人の理解を得ることは難しいとしたうえで、あなたの友人、同僚などの理解を得るべく、発信していくことの重要性を自身のFacebook上で説きました。
The video has been viewed more than 10 million times in a blink of an eye, with encouraging comments from all over the world. On the other hand, the video contains too shocking scene, and Brad Williams, US comedian with achondroplasia, launched a crowdfunding to encourage the family made the garden and the family raised a lot of money. Therefore, it seemed to be criticism of the fact.
Ms. Bayles thought about deleting the video for a time in light of such a backlash, but she wants people know how much of a bullying would make her son and other children in the same situation suffer. She says she continued to raise her and his voice to promote understanding of classmates, school and parents in their community.
Smiles From Rilee’s mother, who has become famous for her great copy “Little is Great,” said in a case that the cause of bullying caused on children with achondroplasia ” Most of the time is just because a child has not been educated on how to react when they meet someone that is different..” He also explained on his Facebook that it was difficult to gain the understanding of everyone, and that it was important to communicate to your friends, colleagues, and others.
What should be done to combat school bullying?
Ms. Bayles told SBS for The Australian Public Broadcasting Corporation.
“It just goes to show how strong and deadly he is because he wants people to know how he feels and it’s time. He doesn’t want to be suffering in silence and he doesn’t want other kids to suffer in silence.
So I feel that I have a duty of care now. It’s my obligation as mum and a community member to make sure people are aware of this incident. And by speaking out, we’re actually taking that power back.
They’re cute, they’re slower than people, they have physical characteristics, and they’re serious… those features frequently lead bullying which is much more likely to happen for children
with achondroplasia than ordinary children.
On the other hand, the strength of your mind that you can survive and overcome difficulties should be a lifetime asset that surpasses physical handicap. It should
bring together and understand the community, with the hardships and efforts of
parents and children.
Mothers and sons can overcome difficulties and succeed in crowdfunding, of course, not a fundamental solution. It goes without saying that awareness of different
appearances takes root. Quaden is standing on the pitch on Saturday 23rd with a professional rugby team player who supports him and his family, and once again becomes a world-renowned player and continues to fulfill his responsibilities.