On November 2, 2020 (local time in the state of California), BioMarin announced the following press release regarding vosoritide, a drug for the treatment of children with achondroplasia that is under development. GTA translated the press release into Japanese and distributes it.
* The official language of this document in English, and the language has priority over its content and interpretation. See Source for details.
カリフォルニア州サンラファエル、2020年11月2日/ PRNewswire / -BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.(NASDAQ:BMRN)は本日、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)がvosoritideの新薬承認申請(NDA)を承認したことを発表しました。vosoritideは、低身長の最も一般的な形態である軟骨無形成症の小児を対象としたC型ナトリウム利尿ペプチド(CNP)の1日1回皮下注射治験薬です。このFDAの承認は、米国で軟骨無形成症の治療薬として承認された最初のマーケティング申請案件となります。
「私たちは、FDAや他の規制当局と協力して、軟骨無形成症の子供に対する最初の薬理学的治療の安全性と有効性を評価することを楽しみにしています。既に完了した臨床研究に加えて、自然史研究を含めた軟骨無形成症の進行と医学的影響を理解するために」 「私たちの広範な開発プログラムは、軟骨無形成症の根本的な原因に対処することに焦点を当てています。一方で、治療の選択肢については、各々のコミュニティの様々な考え方を尊重していきます。臨床試験に参加した家族、世界中の擁護団体、研究調査員、治療の選択肢を提供し、医学的および科学的に軟骨無形成症のさらなる理解に貢献するため、私たちに賛同してくださったすべての関係者に感謝します。」(Hank Fuchs, M.D. President Worldwide Research and Development, BioMarin)
「本件は、軟骨無形成症の根本的な原因の最初の薬理学的治療につながる可能性のある重要な進歩です。治療を行う医師として、そのような治療オプションを子供のために検討したい家族が利用できるようにすることが非常に重要だと感じています」。 「vosoritideの包括的な臨床プログラムは、vosoritideの安全性と有効性に焦点を当てた科学的および臨床的知識と、軟骨無形成症の基本的な原因、その自然歴および治療のより良い理解を提供します。」(John A. Phillips III, M.D., Vanderbilt University Medical Center (David T Karzon Professor of Pediatrics) and investigator for the vosoritide clinical program.)
「私たちのコミュニティが、軟骨無形成症の影響を受けた子供や家族のための最初の治療法の選択肢に一歩近づくことを願っています」 「私たちは、小さな人々の医療の質を向上させるための厳密な科学的および医学的研究を提唱しています。」(Munira Haider, co-founder of Growing Stronger)
Growing Strongerのミッションは、研究支援を行うことで人々の医療支援の質を向上することです。この組織は、 小人症に焦点を当てた研究者に与えられる寄付を集めるなどの非営利組織です。
Food and Drug Administration Accepts BioMarin’s New Drug Application for Vosoritide to Treat Children with Achondroplasia
If approved, 1st Therapy in U.S. for the Treatment of Achondroplasia
PDUFA Action Date is Aug. 20, 2021
Nov 2, 2020
SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Nov. 2, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. (NASDAQ: BMRN) today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accepted the New Drug Application (NDA) for vosoritide, an investigational, once daily injection analog of C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) for children with achondroplasia, the most common form of disproportionate short stature in humans. This acceptance by the FDA marks the first marketing application accepted for a treatment for achondroplasia in the United States.
The Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) action date is Aug. 20, 2021. The FDA has informed the company that they are not currently planning to hold an advisory committee meeting to discuss the application.
Although the FDA did not identify any filing issues with the NDA, the Agency reiterated a position raised during the Pediatric Advisory Committee (PAC) and Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee (EMDAC) held on May 11, 2018 recommending two-year controlled trials in different age groups. BioMarin believes the highly persuasive outcomes from the one-year randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 3 trial, coupled with data from the Phase 2 program with up to 5 years of long-term follow-up that has been compared to robust natural history data on growth, offers a rigorous and reliable method to assess whether vosoritide has a durable impact on the rate of endochondral bone growth that ultimately increases final adult height. This information was included in the marketing application.
While not part of the vosoritide marketing application, in Q4, the Company is also expecting to complete enrollment in a Phase 2 randomized, placebo-controlled study of vosoritide in approximately 70 infants and young children with achondroplasia, aged zero to less than 60 months, for a period of 52 weeks. The study will be followed by a subsequent open-label extension trial when all subjects receive active treatment. Children in this study will complete a minimum three-month baseline study to determine their respective baseline growth prior to dosing in the Phase 2 study. Children in this study will have completed a minimum three-month baseline study to determine their respective baseline growth prior to entering the Phase 2 study. The primary objectives of the study are to evaluate safety, tolerability, and the effect of vosoritide on height Z-scores, which is the number of standard deviations in relation to the mean height of age-matched, average stature children. The company also plans to augment the height Z-score data with assessments including proportionality, functionality, quality of life, sleep apnea, and foramen magnum dimension, as well as the advent of major illnesses and surgeries.
Source: BioMarin’s website