インタビュアーを追加いたしました。(2020年10月11日)/An interviewer has been added. (October 11, 2020)
2020年10月25日(日)世界小人症の日に因み、「Co-Co Life☆女子部」編集長の土井唯菜さんをお招きして、ZOOMを通じたトークイベントを開催いたします。
「Co-Co Life☆女子部」は、『オシャレ』『恋愛』『グルメ』など、普通の女性が好むカテゴリーに、障がい当事者ならではの必要情報を加えて編集されるフリーペーパーです。障がいや難病の女性がアクションをおこす「きっかけ」を提供するメディアとして全国の「全国の障がい者タッチポイント」に置かれています。
土井唯菜さんは「Co-Co Life☆女子部」編集長になられて、間もなく1年。多くのテーマに基づく取材や撮影、そして読者サポーターとの輪を広げるなどご活躍中です。当日は、同誌のご紹介/ご活躍の舞台裏、この1年間のエピソードを踏まえ今後の展望について語っていただきます。
本トークイベントは、軟骨無形成症を有しながら類まれな個性と才能で活躍するグローリーな方からのインタビューやお話をご提供するシリーズ企画 ”GLORY Person with Achondroplasia”としてお届けします。
尚、インタビュアーには、軟骨無形成症のご息女をお持ちで一般社団法人 日本サステナブル・ラベル協会(JSL)代表/日本エシカル推進協議会 副会長の山口真奈美さんをお招きいたします。
1993年9月9日生まれ。東京都板橋区出身、文化学園大学 現代文化学部 国際ファッション文化学科 映画・舞台衣装デザイナーコース卒。
22歳の時、同じ障がいの友人が掲載されたことで「Co-Co Life☆女子部」の存在を知る。ボランティアスタッフ登録をしてから4年間、イベントスタッフ、紙面の編集・ライターとして活動。
研究所勤務などを経て2003年FEM 設立。企業活動やライフスタイルを、よりエシカル&サステナブルに転換することを目指し、様々な活動にも従事。(一社)日本サステナブル・ラベル協会 代表理事、(一社)日本エシカル推進協議会 副会長、オーガニックヴィレッジジャパン理事、環境ビジネス総合研究所 理事長などを兼任。
10月を「小人症意識月間」”Dwarfism Awareness Month“と定め、海外では小人症への理解、彼らの社会参加を実現すべく当月に様々なイベントが開催されます(※1)。中でも10月25日を世界小人症啓発の日”World Dwarfism Awareness Day/Internarial dwarfism Awareness“として社会的平等を訴えたり、周りの友人・知人に向けて小人症を知るきっかけを与えたりするなど人々の意識を高める活動に邁進する動きが見られます(※2) 。日本においても細やかながら皆様や周りの方々に世界の動きをお伝えできれば幸甚です。
※1:LPA Declares October National Dwarfism Awareness Month
※2 : LPUK International Dwarfism Awareness Day
※3 : International Dwarf Fashion Show in Tokyo
On Sunday, October 25, 2020, we will hold a talk event through ZOOM by inviting Yuina Doi, the editor-in-chief of “Co-Co Life ☆ Women’s Club”, in honor of World Dwarfism Day. ..
“Co-Co Life ☆ Women’s Club” is a free paper that is edited by adding necessary information unique to people with disabilities to the categories that ordinary women like, such as “fashionable”, “romance”, and “gourmet”. It is placed at “National TouchPoints for Persons with Disabilities” nationwide as a medium that provides “triggers” for women with disabilities and intractable diseases to take action.
Yuina Doi has been the editor-in-chief of the “Co-Co Life ☆ Women’s Club” for a year. He is active in interviewing and shooting based on many themes and expanding the circle with reader supporters. On the day, we will talk about the magazine’s introduction / behind the scenes of its activities, and prospects based on the episodes of the past year.
Besides, this talk event will be delivered as a series project “Glorious Person with Achondroplasia” that provides interviews and stories from glory people who are active with exceptional individuality and talent while having achondroplasia.
The interviewer will be Manami Yamaguchi, who has a daughter with achondroplasia. And she is also the representative of the Japan Sustainable Label Association (JSL) / Vice Chairman of the Japan Ethical Promotion Council.
□ Date and time: Sunday, October 25, 2020, 14: 00-15: 00
□ Tools used: ZOOM or Teams
□ Application: Please fill out this form.
* For those who are new to ZOOM / Teams or who are unfamiliar with it, we will send you the access method and simple usage separately.
<Speaker profile>
Yuina Doi,
-Born in Itabashi-Ku, Tokyo, September 9, 1993.
-Graduated from Bunka Gakuen University, Faculty of Contemporary Culture, Department of International Fashion and Culture, Film and Stage Costume Designer Course.
Achondroplasia (height 135 cm), a disease in which bone formation is inhibited by abnormal chondrocytes, and short stature accompanied by a shortening of limbs can cause various symptoms throughout the body.
After graduating from university, he got a job at Ankoton Co., Ltd., which operates a clothing repair shop. He is still in office as a repair sewing staff.
At the age of 22, he learned about the existence of “Co-Co Life ☆ Women’s Club” when a friend with the same disability was posted. For four years after registering as a volunteer staff, he has been active as event staff, editor, and writer of the paper.
Appointed editor-in-chief from vol.30 published in November 2019. As a fashion leader of the same generation, he conducts lecture activities, interviews, and communication in roundtable discussions. My hobbies are window shopping, collecting shoppers, going to comedy shows, Disney, and Halloween costumes. His special skills are remembering people’s faces and repairing clothes.
<Interviewer Profile>
Manami Yamaguchi
-Established FEM in 2003 after working at a research institute.
-Engaged in various activities with the aim of transforming corporate activities and lifestyles into more ethical and sustainable. She also serves as the representative director of the Japan Sustainable Label Association, the vice-chairman of the Japan Ethical Promotion Council, the director of Organic Village Japan, and the chairman of the Environmental Business Research Institute.
<World Dwarfism Month / World Dwarfism Day>
October is designated as “Dwarfism Awareness Month”, and various events will be held overseas in this month to realize an understanding of dwarfism and their social participation (* 1). Among them, October 25th is designated as “World Dwarfism Awareness Day / Internarial dwarfism Awareness” to appeal for social equality and to allow friends and acquaintances to learn about dwarfism. There are movements to push forward with activities to raise people’s awareness (* 2). It would be greatly appreciated if we could convey the movements of the world to everyone and those around us, even in Japan.
On October 26, 2016, the International Dwarf Fashion Show was held in Tokyo. (* 3).
※1; LPA Declares October National Dwarfism Awareness Month
※2: LPUK International Dwarfism Awareness Day
※3: International Dwarf Fashion Show in Tokyo