BioMarin、軟骨無形成症の治療薬、Vosoritideの第三相試験で2年以上の効果/BioMarin, Benefit Maintained for Over Two Years in Children with Achondroplasia Treated with Vosoritide in Phase 3

BioMarin、軟骨無形成症の治療薬、Vosoritideの第三相試験で2年以上の効果/BioMarin, Benefit Maintained for Over Two Years in Children with Achondroplasia Treated with Vosoritide in Phase 3



On December 21, 2020 (local time in the state of California), BioMarin announced the following press release regarding Vosoritide, a drug for the treatment of children with achondroplasia that is under development. GTA translates into Japanese and delivers the results of the newly obtained the resulted of the clinical trials.

* The official language of this document in English, so this language has priority over its content and interpretation. See Source for details.






カリフォルニア州サンラファエル、2020年12月21日/ PRNewswire / -BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.(NASDAQ:BMRN)は同日、Vosoritide(C型ナトリウムペプチド(CNP))の日次注射を行う第三相の非盲検の長期継続試験に参加している小児が、継続治療の2年目までの期間において年間成長速度(AGV)の増加を維持したことを発表しました。当分析結果は、連続する3つの試験に登録された同じ患者のデータに基づくものです。最初の試験では、事前観察期間として治療に先立ち全被験者の身長を長期間測定しました。事前観察期間では最低6か月間の測定を経て、そして、121人の被検者を無作為に1:1の割合で15 ug / kg /日の用量でプラセボまたはVosoritideのいずれかを投与しました。 その1年後、プラセボを投与されていた被検者群は、非盲検の長期継続試験としてVosoritideを投与する群に変更されました。また、Vosoritideを投与されていた被験者群はそのまま投与を継続しています。


身長の年変化 (cm) Year 1 Year 2
未治療 (被験者数=38*),
平均 (標準偏差)
3.96 (0.92) 3.82 (0.99)
Vosoritide投与 (被験者数=52**), 平均 (標準偏差) 5.69 (0.97) 5.61 (1.09)
治療効果 (95% 信頼区間) 1.73 (1.33 – 2.14) 1.79 (1.35 – 2.24)
有意確率*** <0.0001 <0.0001



 *** 未調整治療効果の有意確率

2番目の感度分析では、事前観察期間に関連なく全被験者に2年以上継続投与したVosoritideの治療効果を評価しました(被験者数=119、58人は治療/61人の未治療)。この分析は、観察期間全体で測定された未治療の被験者群と比べ、Vosoritide投与群では1.69cm/年の平均で年間成長速度の効果が認められました。同様の分析において、2020年9月5日にLancet publicationで発表された1年間のVosoritideによる治療効果がありますが、それは、1.57cm/年の年間成長速度の改善を実証したものです。(出所:Lancet publication 表2、DOI: 。

Vosoritide投与群では、年間成長速度は、治療開始前の6ヶ月間で設定されたベースラインと比較して、2年目間のVosoritide投与において0.14 cm/年減少しました。この減少は、自然歴研究で観察された年間成長速度の減少値(プラセボでの治療の1年間 (-0.12 cm/年))と近似値といえます。治療効果が継続できていることを示すものです。


Vosoritide は、総じて新規の安全面の懸念もなく、良好な耐容性が認められています。 試験期間において観察された重篤な有害事象は、一般的な小児疾患の典型例であり、Vosoritideの投与とは無関係とされました。 新規の安全面の所見は確認されず、臨床的に重要でない血圧変化は軽度かつ一時的なもので自己制御されるものでした。

BioMarinのWorldwide Research and Development長のHank Fuchs氏は、次のように述べています。「BioMarinは、軟骨無形成症の研究に参加する小児の長期的なフォローアップと軟骨無形成症患者の包括的な健康課題に取り組んでいます。 私たちは、さらに長期の治療を必要としており、また、幼い年齢で治療を開始するなどして、より広範な健康課題に関する多くのデータを発表することを目指しています。 また、軟骨無形成症に関連する重篤な合併症リスクがある乳児におけるVosoritideの影響についても具体的に研究しています」 「これらの試験に参加している小児とその家族、臨床試験の研究者やスタッフ、BioMarinの従業員、コミュニティの皆様に感謝しています。 今後の医療会合で詳細な情報を共有し、Vosoritideとその潜在的な影響についてさらなる科学的な研究分野に貢献しています。」

イギリス・ロンドンの Clinical Geneticist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trustの臨床遺伝学者であり、Evelina London Children’s HospitalでVosoritideのプログラムに関わっている研究者であるMelita Irvingは次のように述べています。「軟骨無形成症のより広範な影響について理解を深めるには、研究を継続してデータをフォローアップしていくことが重要です」「BioMarinは、被験者の体のバランス、機能、QOL、睡眠時無呼吸、大後頭孔の程度を評価することで、被験者の健康課題や日常生活への影響に対応する包括的な臨床プログラムを開発しています」


2年間のデータは、15ug / kg / dayで投与されたVosoritideは一般的に忍容性が高く、新たな安全性の所見がないことを示しました。有害事象(AE)の大部分は軽度であり、治験薬関連として重篤な有害事象は報告されていません。注射部位反応は最も一般的な薬物関連のAEであり、すべて一時的なものでした。臨床的に有意な血圧低下や新たな安全性の所見は観察されませんでした。


BioMarin Vosoritideの承認申請は、現在、米食品医薬品局(FDA)と欧州医薬品庁(EMA)の両方で審査されており、承認されれば、米国とヨーロッパで最初の軟骨無形成症の治療法が誕生することになります。 FDAの処方薬使用料法の施行予定日は​​2021年8月20日です。欧州のCommittee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP)の意見聴取は、2021年の後半で予定されています。



BioMarin Announces Benefit Maintained for Over Two Years in Children with Achondroplasia Treated with Vosoritide in Phase 3 Extension Study

Children Treated with Vosoritide Demonstrate Cumulative Height Gain of 3.52 cm at Year 2 Compared to Untreated Children

No New Safety Signals Observed

Current Regulatory Review Timelines on Track

Dec 21, 2020

SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Dec. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. (NASDAQ: BMRN) today announced that children in the open-label long-term extension of the Phase 3 study of vosoritide, an investigational, once daily injection analog of C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP), maintained an increase in Annual Growth Velocity (AGV) through the second year of continuous treatment.  These analyses are the result of the combination of data of the same patients enrolled in three consecutive trials.  In the first trial, a “run in” period consisted of longitudinal measurement of height in all patients prior to receiving treatment.  After at least six months observation in the run-in trial, 121 patients were randomized 1:1 to receive either placebo or vosoritide at a dose of 15 ug/kg/day.  One year later, patients previously receiving placebo were crossed over to receive vosoritide in an open-label treatment extension study, while those patients previously on vosoritide remained on treatment. 

A first analysis, comparing all children randomized and treated with vosoritide for two years (n=52) to all children from the run-in study who were randomized to receive placebo with an untreated observation period of two years (n=38), showed improvement in one-year height change in the treated group relative to the untreated group that was similar in the second year of treatment, 1.79 cm, as in the first year of treatment, 1.73 cm. The cumulative height gain over the 2-year treatment period was 3.52 cm compared to untreated children, which is the sum of the first year (1.73) and the second year (1.79). 

Yearly change in standing height (cm) Year 1 Year 2
Untreated (N=38*), mean (SD) 3.96 (0.92) 3.82 (0.99)
Vosoritide (N=52**), mean (SD) 5.69 (0.97) 5.61 (1.09)
Treatment effect (95% CI) 1.73 (1.33 – 2.14) 1.79 (1.35 – 2.24)
P-value*** <0.0001 <0.0001

*38 participants were enrolled in the run-in study more than 12 months and were at least 5 years of age at that point of time in advance of randomization and therefore contribute at least two years of evaluation of height in the absence of treatment. 
**Data from 6 patients were unavailable due to patient withdrawals during Year 2 (n=2) and due to restrictions in study conduct because of Covid-19 (n=4).  The patients whose data are not available due to Covid-19 are still on treatment. 
*** p-value for unadjusted treatment effect.

A second supportive analysis evaluated the treatment effect of vosoritide administered continuously for over two years, including all children regardless of the duration of prior observation (N=119; 58 treated and 61 untreated children). This analysis showed a mean improvement in AGV in the vosoritide treated group of 1.69 cm/year, compared with untreated subjects, calculated over the entire observation period.  A similar method was used in the analysis of the effect of one year’s treatment with vosoritide previously published in The Lancet on Sept. 5, 2020, demonstrating a placebo-adjusted improvement in AGV of 1.57 cm/year.  (Table 2 in Lancet publication, DOI: ). 

In the vosoritide treated group, AGV declined by -0.14 cm/year during the second year of vosoritide treatment compared to the baseline AGV established in the 6 months prior to the first year of treatment. This decline is similar to the annual AGV decline with age that has been observed in natural history studies, as well as during one year of treatment with placebo (-0.12 cm/year), further supporting the maintenance of treatment effect. 

Retention of subjects on treatment was high with 93% of patients originally randomized to receive vosoritide remaining on treatment two years later.

Vosoritide was generally well tolerated with no new safety concerns.  Serious adverse events observed in the trial were representative of common childhood illnesses and were deemed unrelated to vosoritide.  No new safety findings have emerged, and clinically inconsequential blood pressure changes were mild, transient and self-limiting.

“BioMarin is committed to the long-term follow up of children participating in vosoritide studies and the overall health of people with achondroplasia.  We look forward to sharing more data on wider health measures that either require a longer treatment period or starting treatment at a younger age.  We are also specifically studying the impact of vosoritide in infants at risk of serious and potentially fatal medical complications related to achondroplasia,” said Hank Fuchs, M.D., President Worldwide Research and Development at BioMarin.  “We are grateful for the support of the children and their families who are in these studies, the clinical trial investigators and their staffs, BioMarin employees, and the community.  We look forward to sharing more detailed information at an upcoming medical meeting and further contributing to the scientific body of knowledge about vosoritide and its potential impact over time.”

“Follow up data from extension studies are critical to expanding our understanding of the wider impact of achondroplasia,” said Melita Irving, Clinical Geneticist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK and investigator for the vosoritide clinical program at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital.  “BioMarin has developed a comprehensive clinical program designed to address the effects on health and day to day living by evaluating proportionality, functionality, quality of life, sleep apnea, and foramen magnum dimension.”

Vosoritide Safety

The 2-year data demonstrated that vosoritide, administered at 15ug/kg/day was generally well tolerated with no new safety findings.  The majority of adverse events (AEs) were mild and no serious adverse events were reported as study drug-related.  Injection site reactions were the most common drug-related AEs, and all were transient.   No clinically significant blood pressure decreases or new safety findings were observed. 

Regulatory Status

BioMarin’s marketing applications for vosoritide are currently under review by both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and if approved would be the first therapy for achondroplasia in the U.S. and Europe.  The FDA’s Prescription Drug User Fee Act target action date is August 20, 2021.  The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) opinion is expected in Europe in the second half of 2021.

Vosoritide has also received orphan drug designation from the FDA and EMA for the treatment of children with achondroplasia. The Orphan Drug Designation program is intended to advance the evaluation and development of products that demonstrate promise for the diagnosis and/or treatment of rare diseases or conditions.

Source: BioMarin website



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