リボミック、AMEDからの支援継続、製造販売承認取得を推進 / RIBOMIC got an additional grant from AMED to keep supported Ribomic, get forward to the acquisition of manufacturing and marketing approval

リボミック、AMEDからの支援継続、製造販売承認取得を推進 / RIBOMIC got an additional grant from AMED to keep supported Ribomic, get forward to the acquisition of manufacturing and marketing approval


リボミックは、現在、軟骨無形成症の治療薬とされるRBM-007の第Ⅰ相臨床試験を進めており、2015 年度より3年間を希少疾病用医薬品指定前実用化支援事業として、2018年度からの3年間を難治性疾患実用化研究事業としてAMEDから支援を受けていました。今回の採択では、創薬支援推進事業・希少疾病用医薬品指定前実用化支援事業として、2021年度からの最大3年間、RBM-007の製造販売承認取得に向けた開発を推進するものとされます。

The Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) has adopted RIBOMIC’s “Development of a therapeutic drug for achondroplasia using anti-FGF2 aptamer (RBM-007)” in their drug trial research public offerings.

RIBOMIC is currently conducting Phase I clinical trials of RBM-007, which is to be a treatment for achondroplasia, started as a pre-designation support project for orphan drugs for three years from FY2015. And they received support from AMED for a further three years from FY2018 as a research project for the practical application of intractable diseases. At this adoption, the development of RBM-007 for manufacturing and marketing approval has to be promoted for a maximum of three years from 2021 as a drug discovery support promotion project and a pre-designation practical application support project for orphan drugs.


 Ribomic website: 国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構による創薬支援推進事業・希少疾病用医薬品指定前実用化支援事業への採択
AMED website: 令和3年度 「創薬支援推進事業―希少疾病用医薬品指定前実用化支援事業―」の採択課題について



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