The GTA picnic event was held with around 40 families and others gathered at Kishine Park in Yokohama on October 29, 2022. The event was held for the first time in three years, and on this day, we were blessed with the weather and would spend the autumn weather in a refreshing mood.

一方で、そのような状況下でありながら、World Dwarfism Awareness Month(世界小人症啓発月間)という当月において、当事者のことを周りに人に改めて知ってもらい考えてもらうという、私たちDwarfismのコミュニティではとっても重要な月間を迎えたわけです。
コロナ禍に入っての3年目のWorld Dwarfism Awareness Monthにおいて、この日、グローバルカラーの緑を背景に、この日を迎えることができたことを感慨深いものです。
Connections in the With/After Corona Era
Since 2020, when we entered the corona crisis, face-to-face contact with people who only meet a few times a year has decreased significantly, excluding family, close friends, and work-related matters, and the opportunity to do such a project itself has become distant. In 2011, when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred, the word “bonds” flooded Japan. “Connection” is one of the keywords in the corona disaster where the new coronavirus spread. Above all, as we test the ability to continue to connect and diversify ways of connecting, I think it is up to each and every one of us to find out how far we can find face-to-face connections. In Japan, where the custom of wearing masks has not yet been fully resolved, it feels like the road to post-corona is still a long way off. On the other hand, even under such circumstances, in this month of World Dwarfism Awareness Month, we, the Dwarfism community, want to let people around us know about the person with dwarfism again and think about it. We have come to a very important month.