市制施行80周年記念事業「KISARAZU COLLECTION 2022 」に軟骨無形成症の男の子がモデル出演、想いは“小さな魅力と夢を伝えたい”  / A Boy with Achondroplasia Appears as a Model in the 80th Anniversary Project “KISARAZU COLLECTION 2022”, with the Desire to “Show the Charm and Dreams of Small Things”

市制施行80周年記念事業「KISARAZU COLLECTION 2022 」に軟骨無形成症の男の子がモデル出演、想いは“小さな魅力と夢を伝えたい” / A Boy with Achondroplasia Appears as a Model in the 80th Anniversary Project “KISARAZU COLLECTION 2022”, with the Desire to “Show the Charm and Dreams of Small Things”


The fashion show featuring children, on November 3, 2022, was held as a project to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the city , produced by the fashion brand “tenbo” based in Kisarazu City. “Models” were solicited from elementary and junior high school students living and attending school in the city, and 30 models were selected from about 120 applicants. Among them, Shuta, a first-year elementary school student with achondroplasia, appeared.


〈Mother’s Ⅿotivation〉
“Achondroplasia is one of the most common causes of dwarfism. Adults’ height remains only 120-130 cm tall. Very rare with an incidence of 1 in 20,000 live births. Although my son is such a person, I am sure that he will bring excitement to the audience with his small but comical movements, cute facial expressions, and loveliness. By walking on the same runway as able-bodied people, we will be able to help people with similar disabilities. I want to present courage and hope to this kind of child.”

Temboは、2015年の東京コレクションにおいて、日本で初めて障がい者をファッションショーのモデルとして起用しました。以降、「ファッションで世界中に笑顔と幸せを届ける」ブランドを目指し活動を展開してきました。しかし、今回のKISARAZU COLLECTION に障がい者枠はありませんでした。母の動機とシュウタ君の夢が適い、世界でたったひとつの衣装をまとい、この日を迎えることができました。衣装は、地元の高校生が出演者の夢を踏まえ、衣装をデザインし、制作したものです。シュウタ君の衣装は、「電車の車掌さんになりたい」、そんな夢がこめられ、作成されたものです。

Tembo was the first in Japan to use people with disabilities as fashion show models at the 2015 Tokyo Collection. Since then, we have expanded our activities with the aim of becoming a brand that “delivers smiles and happiness to the world through fashion.” However, this year’s KISARAZU COLLECTION did not have a specific plan for people with disabilities. His mother’s motives and Shuta’s dreams matched, and I was able to welcome this day wearing only one costume in the world. The costumes were designed and produced by local high school students based on the performers’ dreams. Shuta’s costume was created with the dream of “I want to be a train conductor”.

更にファッションショー当日はスペシャルゲストの「はるな愛さん」、Tembo代表デザイナー 鶴田 能史さん、木更津市の渡辺芳邦市長によるトークセッションが行われ、より多くの人が関わり、ひとつのものを作り上げる喜びや達成感を味わうことにより、多様性を受け入れ、誰もが心豊かに暮らすことのできる「共生社会の実現」について語られました。

Furthermore, on the day of the fashion show, special guests Ai Haruna, Takafumi Tsuruta, the representative designer of Tembo, and Yoshikuni Watanabe, mayor of Kisarazu City, held a talk session. He talked about the realization of a symbiotic society where diversity is accepted and everyone can live a fulfilling life by experiencing the senses.

36:55よりファッションショーがスタートし、シュウタ君がトップバッターとしてランウェイを歩きます/The fashion show starts at 36:55, and Shouta walks the runway as the 1st model.

「KISARAZU COLLECTION 2022」の取り組みの詳細は、下記をご覧ください。



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