児童発達支援センターに行ってきました/went to the center for children’s improvement

児童発達支援センターに行ってきました/went to the center for children’s improvement





  • 6が月以上の遅れがあるものの、彼なりのスピードで成長している
  • 誰かの行動・言動を真似たがる傾向にある
  • したがって、栄護の言語の成長基盤を整えるべく、理解可能な2語程度の声掛けを日々積極的に行うする


  • 歩行可能なまでに成長するなど、身体の発達は順調
  • 首の後ろとお腹の筋肉の付きが弱い
  • 前後運動を促すべく、大きなボールの上に乗って、振動に耐える動きを取り入れたい






As I worry about Eigo’s lauguage delay, we went to center for children’s physizal or language delay. Since there are lots of children who cannot enter, we went there for see and experience their teaching.

The result of launguage test is below.

  • Eigo has over 6 monthes delay but he has own speed of improvement of lauguage
  • He is willing to do samething  that someone say or  act
  • So we have to try to talk to something more freqently in two words for improovement his language ability

The result of physical test is below.

  • Eigo has grown to walk but it is difficult to grow his musle, especially back of neck and  stomach
  • It is usuful to mount a big ball or something to saway back and forward

Eigo does not like to mount a big ball and cannot stop crying.  After that I found the tool that is not only so effective but also he loves.  It is that second movie shows.

Formal admission to enter is going to begin before next fisical year that is next Februally or March. I wish the time will be in clinical trial of BMN111 phase 3.

(a look of lauguage test)

(found best tool to grow neck and stomach muscle)



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