自分だけの世界における着実な成長/Growing in his own world steadily

自分だけの世界における着実な成長/Growing in his own world steadily





It is worthy of notice for me how Eigo feels or what he faces if he has been gradually having troble playing the same things compared to other children at the same age.

He is really the oldest in nursery school with same age group because his birthday is in May.

But in 2015, it was a descending year for him. All of his classmate got taller than Eigo, so he is the shortest of all. He grow taller only 1mm tall compared to 10 months before by the nursery measurement.

Eigo never know how I worry that someday he would have understood this harsh reality .




Meanwhile, Eigo seems to enjoy himself in his own world at his own pace with his own words rather than confronting this harsh reality.

“If I cannot reach my foot to the pedals on toy vehicle, push it to enjoy” like he says. (see movie)

He keeps his own pace without any attention for that even if other children passed him by.




But in taking care of Eigo, I really feel like there is a lot of difficulty for him.

The problem is that het will not be good at collaboration with other children.

It is really hard for parents to help that. Is that only way to watch and wait his growth?




“Eigo’s cooperative personality will be definitely grown, if he comes to the stage, when friends might help and save him.

Currently I really hope Eigo will get to the person who saves someone within Eigo’s capacity until his 10th birthday if some have helped Eigo 5 times.

GLORY TO ACHONDROPLASIAのコンセプトは、ACHのこどもが健全に成長し集団生活に適応する過程と、治療を切に願う親の奔走の狭間で揺れ動き、価値形成されていく。

Concept of “GLORY TO ACHONDROPLASIA” will be formed by the process of children with achondroplasia who are growing steadily and adapting to their community, and parents’ struggle to cure their incurable disease hopefully.



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