フィジカルセラピー:脊椎への負担を軽減する座り方・立ち方 / Good result of Lying to sitting to standing up in achondroplasia

フィジカルセラピー:脊椎への負担を軽減する座り方・立ち方 / Good result of Lying to sitting to standing up in achondroplasia

BEYOND ACHONDROPLASIAで、フィジカルセラピーの成果について紹介されています。このウェブサイトは、 Inês Alves さん(ポルトガル人のママ)が書かれているもので、軟骨無形成症に関わるサイトの中では、世界で最も有名で有益なものの一つです。

今日紹介する記事は、2015年9月21日に掲載されました。彼女の娘さんのクララは、当時、ちょうど今のエイゴと同い年です。でもエイゴは、クララみたいに、腰にストレスのかかる前かがみにならないスムースな立ち上がりや座り方はできません。クララには、0歳のころから、ALPE FOUNDATION流のフィジカルセラピーの特訓成果があるからです。


BEYOND ACHONDROPLASIA shows one of an good result of good physical therapy. The website wrriten by Ms. Inês Alves is one of the most famous and usuful blog about ACH in the world. The article was listed on




The goal is to teach the children strategies to stand up unsupported that will prevent damage in their lower spine while transitioning from the sitting to the stand up position.

Clara was able to walk alone around 17-18 months old and she only could stand up without support when she was about 26 months-old. She started to stand up unsupported open widely her legs, hands on the floor and lifting her head for back impulse. That was producing stress in her lower spine and she wasn´t working her abdomen.

Her physiotherapist and us have been working for several months with Clara for her to stand up using the movement you will see in the video. No stress in her spine and also working the abdominal muscles.

Source: BEYOND ACHONODROPLASIA  (http://(http://beyondachondroplasia.org/blogue/?p=6703&lang=en)



We can not see Clara’s spine but actually hes spine is really straight.

These months Eigo’s lower spine has got bigger. He always stands with moving forward direction. He seems like to be hard. I am really sorry not to notice about it. To prevent this, it was really needed physical therapy.



    1. eihakuitooka


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