息子が私にくれたもの… / What Eigo gave me…

息子が私にくれたもの… / What Eigo gave me…

エイゴの誕生前、私は環境NGOから大手民間企業へ再転身し、地位や名誉を確固とする一方、幼い頃からの目標を見失いかけていたました。そんな私にエイゴがくれたもの。それは、従前の目標以上に、自分が貢献できる新たなフィールド”GLORY TO ACHONDROPLASIA”そこを基盤に広がった国内外のかけがえのない先達や仲間との出会いであるといえます。そこで、立身出世にとらわれず、この病気と向かい合うという眼差しや必要な素養、決意そのものの大切さを再認識するに至りましました。



A few months before Eigo’s birth, I changed the job into a big company group from smaller Environmental NGO, and I got valid position and honor in terms of normal business man. But Acting for Environmental sustainability has been my real objective since I was a child. So it is kind of like lost my way. In the meanwhile, Eigo gave me the specials. These are two things. One is a new field GLORY TO ACHONDROPLASIA that I could devote more than environmental field, and the other one is precious relationship with colleagues in Japan and overseas spread from GLORY TO ACHONDROPLASIA. 

If Eigo was not with ACH, I would be going to be normal worker who spend with normal 2 children at famous company for the rest of my life. That’s mean what Eigo gave me must have power over my life and treasure in this moment. 

mind map


Actually, in terms of English skill, since I don’t have any experience to study abroad and use English on business, I hardly understand even basic conversation. These days I got to be able to make mutual mind, to negotiate formally and to comprehend in English. Who would imagines that 3 years ago.




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