イネスが語るセラピー / Therapies told to us by Inês

イネスが語るセラピー / Therapies told to us by Inês

20名超のご家族の方と共に過ごすことができた5月14日(土)の会合から1週間が経過しました。AISACの会合だけでなく、私の敬愛するBEYOND ACHONDROPLASIAのイネスから受けた問題提起を、日本の皆様に伝えることができた経験は、私にとって、ひとつ大きなハードルを越えることができたと感じています。14日当日、スカイプで参加してくれたイネスからは、いくつかの重要な示唆を貰いました。参考になる部分も多いと思い、簡単ですが報告します。

1 week passed from the meeting on May.14th. We had over 20 people and spent a good many hours with each other, so I realized a new motivation arose and got beyond a big hurdle in that moment. I could not only the brief AISAC congress but also convey the proposal from Inês, director of BEYOND ACHONDROPLASIA.

She gave us some important points. I just want to know about Japanese families so I will summarize below;



-What is the goal of therapies?

The goal of doing the is the prevention of complications and for the child to grow healthier


ALPE FOUNDATIONでは、軟骨無形成症患者にこんなセラピーを推奨している。

  • フィジカルセラピー(理学療法)
  • ハイドロセラピー(水治療法)
  • スピーチセラピー
  • オステオパシー
  • ホメオパシー

-What kinds of therapies are for babies and young children?

  • – Physiotherapy
  • – Hydrotherapy
  • – Speech therapy
  • – Occupational therapy
  • – Osteopathy
  • – Homeopathy




-What is speech therapy?

The objective of speech therapy is to enhance and keep the appropriate shape of bones. It is not training to learn language, but to change the angle of the mouth quickly, and to keep a long toon. The tongue is very big, and occupies all the space inside the mouth, after the child grows more than 2 years.


ALPE FOUNDATIONは、YouTubeに生後数か月の赤ちゃんでも取り組めるフィジカルセラピーをアップしているので是非参考に。


-What therapies are for little infants just 3months after birth?

ALPE FOUNDATION has posted good Physiotherapy practices on YouTube. You Must see it!

And therapy using a spoon is also for infants to enhance the muscles of their tongue.



  • フィジカルセラピー 45分/回
  • ハイドロセラピー 30分/回
  • スピーチセラピー 30分/回など

-What kinds of therapy does Clara do?

She does them 6 times a week. The time it takes depends on the kind of therapy.

  • – Physiotherapy takes 45 minutes/time
  • – Hydrotherapy 30 minutes/time
  • – Speech therapy 30 minutes/time and so on



-What is the basic way to cope with sleep apnea?

In most cases we just need a ventilation mask for some months and don’t need to remove the tonsils.



How to make nasal respiration smooth? Put saline water inside the child’s nose. In Portugal, it is basic advice from doctors.

italia breifing2



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