次回ドック・トーク エピソード8は「骨延長」 / The Next “Doc Talk”  is Episode 8 “Limb Lengthening”

次回ドック・トーク エピソード8は「骨延長」 / The Next “Doc Talk” is Episode 8 “Limb Lengthening”


The Next “Doc Talk” folling the last episode featuring by Doc Ravi  is Episode 8 “Limb Lengthening”



エピソード8 615AM 7:00 (アメリカ東部標準時)(日本時間61518:00

Dr. Shawn C. Standard 骨延長小児整形国際センター・センター長


スペシャルゲスト:Chandler Crews骨延長手術を受けている大学生患者


Upcoming Episodes: 

Episode 8 –  June 15, 7:00 EST –
Dr. Shawn C. Standard, Head of Pediatric Orthopedics at the International Center for Limb Lengthening – This episode will address limb lengthening and other medical options beyond management.
With special guest: Chandler Crews – college student, limb lengthening patient


Source :Growing Stronger website



We have a major Limb Lengthening that is called the Illizarov method. Overseas, there are many Limb Lengthening methods to fit instruments to expand the inside the bones of Limbs, without fitting outside the bones. The mechanism of expanding bones is the same as the Japanese Illizarov method, but it seems to avoid viral infection and to be nothing special seemingly. Furthermore the pains after the operation will be kept lower than the Illizarov method.

-To ask him about Limb Lengthening, please register and ask questions on the page link.



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