On March 3rd, 2021 (local time in the state of California), BioMarin announced the following press release regarding Vosoritide, a drug for the treatment of children with achondroplasia that is under development. GTA translates into Japanese and delivers.
* The official language of this document is English, so this language has priority over its content and interpretation. See Source for details.
カリフォルニア州サンラファエル、2021年3月3日/ PRNewswire / -BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.(NASDAQ:BMRN)は本日、同社が調査中のVosoritideのグローバルフェーズ2ランダム化プラセボ対照試験への完全登録を完了したと発表しました。当薬は、小児の軟骨無形成症の不均衡な低身長の最も一般的な形態のC型ナトリウム利尿ペプチド(CNP)の1日1回の皮下注射薬とされます。 試験は、52週間に及び、軟骨無形成症の乳幼児0歳から5歳未満(60か月)の約70人で構成されています。この研究の後には、すべての被検者が実薬による治療を受ける非盲検延長試験が続きます。この研究の被験者は、第2相試験に入る前に、成長速度のベースラインを確定するために、3か月~6か月の自然歴研究を終える必要があります。この研究目的は、安全性、忍容性、および成長に対するVosoritideの効果を評価することです。BioMarinはまた、比例性、機能性、生活の質、睡眠時無呼吸、大後頭孔の採寸、および主要な合併症や手術歴などの評価で身長データを補完することを計画しています。
現在、軟骨無形成症の承認された薬理学的治療法はなく、既存の治療法は主に各種対症療法への外科的介入に限定されています。当研究は、満たされていない重要なニーズを提示するものです。 Vosoritideは、軟骨無形成症の原因となる突然変異のために骨の成長を遅らせる経路を遮断し、軟骨無形成症の根本原因を直接標的にする治験薬です。不均衡な低身長により、軟骨無形成症の人々は、大後頭孔の圧迫、睡眠時無呼吸、脊柱管狭窄などの深刻な健康上の合併症を経験する可能性があります。これらの合併症には、侵襲的な手術が必要となることもあります。さらに研究諸説では、各年齢で死亡率の増加も示されています。
「この臨床試験は、軟骨無形成症に対するこの潜在的な最初の薬理学的治療の選択肢を系統的かつ責任を持って研究し、最年少の子供たちの安全性と有効性をさらに理解することを目的とした包括的な臨床プログラムの重要な構成要素です」と社長で医学博士のHank Fuchs氏は述べています。「この試験では、最も生産的な成長期におけるVosoritideの効果を研究しています。このプラセボ対照試験に登録した被験者と家族に感謝し、子どもたちの長期的なフォローアップに取り組んでいます。」
「軟骨無形成症に見られる不規則骨成長の基本的な原因に対処するための治療法の選択に関心のある子供と家族にとってエキサイティングなマイルストーンです。これは、軟骨無形成症の子供たちにとって最初の非外科的治療となる潜在的な医学的進歩を表しています。軟骨無形成症」John A. Phillips、III、MD、ヴァンダービルト大学医療センター(David T Karzon小児科教授)およびVosoritideの臨床プログラムの研究者ら述べました。 「治療を行う医師として、特に乳児期の軟骨無形成症に関連する骨の成長と潜在的に深刻な合併症に対処する治療オプションに対して家族からの緊急の需要が見込めます」
「このマイルストーンは、軟骨無形成症の個人とその家族が利用できる医療の質と選択肢を改善するための大きな一歩です。多くの家族は、軟骨無形成症に関連する健康問題のリスクを減らし、生活の質を高める可能性のある薬物治療の選択肢を熱心に待っています。献身的な家族と、何千もの家族の生活を変える可能性のあるさらなる科学的学習に専念する科学者と協力してくれたプラセボ対照試験の参加者に感謝したいと思います。」と、Growing Strongerの共同創設者であるMunira Shamimは述べています
2021年1月、当社はFDAから、VosoritideのNDAが、対処する深刻な小児の適応症と現在利用可能な治療オプションの欠如に基づいて優先審査指定を付与されたという通知を受け取りました。進行中のアプリケーション・レビューの分類変更に関するFDAのポリシーと合致し、処方薬使用料法の日付はこの指定の影響を受けません。承認された場合、Vosoritide NDAは優先審査保証(PRV)の対象となる可能性があります。 PRVは、他の方法ではその指定の対象とならない後続の薬剤申請に優先審査を付与します。希少疾患レビューバウチャープログラムは、小児の希少疾患の予防または治療のための新薬および生物学的製剤の開発を奨励するために計画されています。
Vosoritideの規制当局への提出が承認されると、FDAは2018年5月11日に開催された小児諮問委員会(PAC)および内分泌代謝薬諮問委員会(EMDAC)で提起された、異なる年齢層での2年間の対照試験を推奨する立場を繰り返しました。 BioMarinは、1年間のランダム化、二重盲検、プラセボ対照の第3相試験の非常に説得力のある結果と、堅牢性と比較された最大5年間の長期追跡調査を伴う第2相試験のデータを組み合わせることを想定しています。成長に関する自然歴データと第3相試験から2年間のデータは、Vosoritideが最終的に成人の身長を増加させる軟骨内の骨成長速度に永続的な影響を与えるかどうかを評価するための厳密かつ信頼性の高い方法を示してくれます。
BioMarin Completes Full Enrollment in Phase 2 Study of Vosoritide for Treatment of Infants and Young Children with Achondroplasia
Topline data expected to be available in mid-2022
Mar 3, 2021
SAN RAFAEL, Calif., March 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. (NASDAQ:BMRN) announced today that the company has completed full enrollment in a global Phase 2 randomized, placebo-controlled study of vosoritide, an investigational, once daily injection analog of C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) for children with achondroplasia, the most common form of disproportionate short stature in humans. The 52-week study consists of approximately 70 infants and young children with achondroplasia, aged zero to less than five years old (60 months). The study will be followed by a subsequent open-label extension trial where all children receive active treatment. Children in this study will have completed a minimum three- or six-month baseline study to determine their respective baseline growth prior to entering the Phase 2 study. The objectives of the study are to evaluate safety, tolerability, and the effect of vosoritide on growth. The company also plans to augment the height data with assessments including proportionality, functionality, quality of life, sleep apnea, and foramen magnum dimension, as well as the advent of major illnesses and surgeries.
There are currently no approved pharmacological treatments for achondroplasia, with existing treatments mainly limited to surgical interventions to address a variety of symptoms. This treatment gap presents a significant unmet need. Vosoritide is an investigational therapy that seeks to directly target the root cause of achondroplasia by interrupting the pathway that slows bone growth due to the causative mutation in achondroplasia. Beyond disproportionate short stature, people with achondroplasia can experience serious health complications, such as foramen magnum compression, sleep apnea, and spinal stenosis. Some of these complications can result in the need for invasive surgeries. In addition, studies show increased mortality at every age.
“This milestone is an important building block of a comprehensive clinical program that is methodically and responsibly studying this potential first pharmacological treatment choice for achondroplasia with the goal of further understanding the safety and efficacy in the youngest children,” said Hank Fuchs, M.D., President, Worldwide Research and Development at BioMarin. “In this trial, we are studying the effects of vosoritide during the most productive time of growth. We are grateful to the children and families enrolled in this placebo-controlled study and are committed to the long-term follow up of the children in these studies.”
“This is an exciting milestone for children and families, who are interested in a treatment choice to address the basic cause of the irregular bone growth seen in achondroplasia. It represents a potential medical breakthrough that would be the first non-surgical treatment for children with achondroplasia,” said John A. Phillips, III, M.D., Vanderbilt University Medical Center (David T Karzon Professor of Pediatrics) and investigator for the vosoritide clinical program. “As a treating physician, I see an urgent demand from families for a treatment option that addresses bone growth and potentially the serious complications associated with achondroplasia, especially during infancy.”
“This milestone is a giant step towards improving the quality of medical care and options available to individuals with achondroplasia and to their families,” said Munira Shamim, co-founder of Growing Stronger. Many families are eagerly awaiting a drug treatment option that could possibly decrease the risk of health issues associated with achondroplasia and increase the quality of life. We would like to recognize the committed families and participants in the placebo-controlled studies for collaborating with dedicated scientists to further scientific learning that can potentially change the lives of thousands of families.”
Regulatory Status
In 2020, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accepted and validated the marketing authorization application for vosoritide for achondroplasia. The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) opinion is expected in Europe in June of 2021. The U.S. New Drug Application (NDA) for vosoritide is under review by the FDA with a Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) target action date of August 20, 2021. In the United States, the Company has chosen to provide the 2-year outcomes from the Phase 3 extension study to the FDA as additional data to convey the vosoritide treatment effect and long-term durability. The Company believes that supplying this additional data could result in a major amendment, resetting the current PDUFA target action date out three months to November.
In January 2021, the Company received notice from the FDA that the NDA for vosoritide had been granted Priority Review Designation based on the serious pediatric indication it addresses, and the lack of treatment options currently available. Consistent with FDA’s policy on changes to review classification for an ongoing application review, the PDUFA action date is not affected by this designation. If approved, the vosoritide NDA may qualify for a Priority Review Voucher (PRV). A PRV confers priority review to a subsequent drug application that would not otherwise qualify for that designation. The rare pediatric disease review voucher program is designed to encourage development of new drugs and biologics for the prevention or treatment of rare pediatric diseases.
Upon the acceptance of the regulatory submission for vosoritide, the Agency reiterated a position raised during the Pediatric Advisory Committee (PAC) and Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee (EMDAC) held on May 11, 2018 recommending two-year controlled trials in different age groups. BioMarin believes the highly persuasive outcomes from the one-year randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 3 trial, coupled with data from the Phase 2 program with up to 5 years of long-term follow-up that has been compared to robust natural history data on growth and the updated 2-year data from the Phase 3 study, offers a rigorous and reliable method to assess whether vosoritide has a durable impact on the rate of endochondral bone growth that ultimately increases final adult height.
Vosoritide has also received orphan drug designation from the FDA and EMA for the treatment of children with achondroplasia. The Orphan Drug Designation program is intended to advance the evaluation and development of products that demonstrate promise for the diagnosis and/or treatment of rare diseases or conditions.
Source: Biomarin Website