4月1日、日本では新たな年度がスタートしました。桜前線が最も色濃く日本を覆う健やかな季節を迎える時期といえます。一方、激動の2020年度が終わるとともに、当年度はWith Coronaを体現する新たな年度の幕開けといえるでしょう。
ニューノーマルの試行錯誤の取り組みとして、2020年10月末のDwarf Awareness Dayでは、zoomを通じて「Co-Co Life☆女子部」編集長の土井唯菜さんのトークイベントをお届けすることができました。GTA初めての企画ながら、地理的な制限を超え、日本全国から25のアクセス、延50名超の軟骨無形成症の関係者(当事者、ご家族、ご友人等)をお迎えすることができました。
Eihaku Itooka, Representative, Glory To Acondroplasia 2021年4月2日

A new Fiscal Year has just started here in Japan on April 1st. We also have the time with cherry blossoms front is the most intense and healthy season that covers Japan. On the other hand, with the end of the turbulent FY 2020, we are going to have the beginning of a new year embodying the era, “with Corona”.
In FY 2020, we were forced to make a big change due to the unprecedented situation, the spread of the new corona virus. The new coronavirus has a high risk of becoming serious in the elderly and those with underlying diseases, and in addition to the risk of unknowingly infecting others by mild or asymptomatic individuals, mutant strains with different infectivity and lethality, with the advent, it has become more difficult to make decisions on how to respond and to make prospects for countermeasures than in the past. Even now that we have experienced three waves of infection, we do not have a clear outlook.
However, considering major changes in our lifestyle, such as “avoidance of three densities,” “securing social distance,” “online meetings and classes,” and “telework”, it is quite different from the situation we faced one year ago when the state of emergency has been announced.
I do believe we also need to take action based on our own judgment and thoughts in order to embody “new normal.” It seems that the time has come for 2021 to carry out various trials, errors, and challenges.
As an example of the trial and error for New Normal, at Dwarf Awareness Day, end of October 2020, we were able to deliver a talk event by Yuina Doi, Editor-in-Chief of “Co-Co Life ☆ Women’s Club” through zoom. Although it was the first GTA project, we were able to welcome more than 50 people involved in people related to achondroplasia (patients, families, friends, etc.) with 25 accesses from all over Japan, beyond geographical restrictions.
Also, on April 25th (Sun), we are planning a talk event inviting Mr. Daiki Nishimura, who is familiar with on-TV programs.
Four years ago, he was supposed to be the first person with achondroplasia in Japan to teach with a health and physical education teacher. However, in March 2017, just before graduating from university, suddenly the place of employment became blank. It can be said that it is an opportunity unique to New Normal to be able to deliver a four-year success story that crawls up from the cliff of such a tragic hero, and to people involved in achondroplasia without geographical restrictions.
Many things may have been lost due to the Corona, but there must have been many things that were gained or noticed because of the challenging “with Corona”. I strongly would like to overcome the turbulent FY and go through our new lives, which bears restrictions and challenges, with a new brilliant aspiration.
Eihaku Itooka, Representative, Glory To Acondroplasia April 2. 2021