35歳の実現すべき目標 / Set Targets at age 35

35歳の実現すべき目標 / Set Targets at age 35





Today I turned 35, I experienced a variety of changes and challenges in life, especially after Eigo’s birth with achondroplasia.

And we are going to have biggest challenge coming to our family in 6 months.

Standing at the crossroad of our life, I just want to write 3 expressions of determinations with aspiration and eagerness for the near future.

1.患者を支援する団体を立ち上げる/ launch the support organization


起源は、LPAやAISACの会合に参加、そして、イネスやALPE FOUNDATIONからの受けた問題提起にあります。立ち上げには多くの外部協力者が必要となり、内部メンバーは少数かつ専従職員にはなり得ないため、スモールスタートにて行う予定です。




I’m hoping to launch a kind of NGO with expert knowledge, network and more hospitable in grass roots level beyond the patient advocacy group.

Why do I want to do so? I took part in LPA national meeting and AISAC congress and Ines who is medical advisor at ALPE FOUNDATION raised the problems about Japan.

It is going to be inevitable asking for someone’s help. Furthermore internal staff members are not fulltime workers and so few to deal with. So we ought to launch small in size.

I met lots of actors and leaders engaging in the field of environment, nature and international cooperation when I was a graduate student.

I believe the experience I had during that time remains my current spiritual nourishment.


2.渡米/Move to the US





The reasons I have for moving to the US are for my own study and career, and for getting my son into clinical trial. These are partly in conflict with each other. I really want to be proactive rather than just accept an unknown risk.

I believe there are blessings not only for my family but also other’s. The things to be blessed are greater than things to be lost.


3.GLORY TO ACHONDROPLASIA(エピソード1完 / The end of the blog (episode1)



そして、この夏頃を目途に、GLORY TO ACHONDROPLASIAを終息させるか、テーマを変えるか、いずれかを選択することにします。

末筆ながら模範となったイネス・アルブスのBEYOND ACHONDROPLASIAには心より感謝しています。


GLORY TO ACHONDROPLASIA is just a website but it must help the Japanese people to know BMN-111 and help patients and their family to make networks overseas. I must have been a kind of hope for people who have seen the website for the last 3 years.

However, it got to be lots of severe posts on the GLORY TO ACHONDROPLASIA site in spite of the fact that most of the posts being open to information from other sources. If I move to the US, it wouldn’t be a good idea to keep posting at that level. So I believe it would be better to finish the blog or to change theme. Maybe I might have to decide this summer.

I really appreciate Ines Alves’s blog BEYOND ACHONDROPLASIA because of all her help acting as a role-model.




I swear three expressions of determinations must be realized at age 35 today.

(I also swear it would be first and final mention about my birthday on the blog.)



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