ALPE FOUNDATIONより「軟骨無形成症の子供のための水泳療法」と題したフィジカルセラピーの実践方法についてご案内いただきました。子どもの軟骨無形成症患者の筋肉を付けるうえで非常に効果的であることから、欧州のみならず多くの国で実践されています。
ALPE FOUNDATION shared this article with GTA, and we translate that into Japanese.
Swimming Exercises is one of the way of therapy to make complications minimum.
Since it is really helpful to add children’s with ACH muscle build, there are lots of cases to do this not only in Europe but also many other contries.
When you try this exercise, don’t miss to ear cap to prevent otitis media.
Swimming exercises for babies with achondroplasia
3-12 months
Get the baby into the habit to be in water though making him feel it in the face, arms, body and legs.
Favor the tonic balance, that is, easy the contraction appearing when putting him or her into the water.
Posture control
Baby on his or her back (aligned hips, head and knees); if the baby rejects the position (it can be frequent) we must try to help with the aid of our look, contact and the use of objects.
仰向け(腰、頭、膝を真っ直ぐにする): もし子供が嫌がるようであれば(実際はいよく嫌がります)、私たちの視線や接し方、物を使ってあやすなど工夫して、手助けしましょう。
First, we will hold the baby lying on our arms, offering him/her as wide a contact surface as possible and our face close to his or hers. We will wait for the baby to become familiar with the position.
After being familiar with the position, we will hold him or her with just one hand under his or her neck y the palm of our other hand in his/her coccyx (tailbone); our thumb and index finger lean on his/her bottocks.
Once the baby has a relaxed muscle tone (not tense) and he/she appears receptive, we will progressively retiring the hand from the coccyx holding him/her only with one hand.
Finally, we will alternate the support of the hands (one and then another) until the baby starts keeping the flotation.
Respiratory control
We must exercise the glottis reflect, or its automatism, immersing him/her for a few seconds. This exercise will be done with the exercises above, as the baby rotates his/her face to the side.
Stimulation of alternative movements of legs
Although the baby hasn’t started to voluntarily march it will be nevertheless good to stimulate her/his lower limbs. This will be done by holding his/her hips on a back position and actually doing the movement she has to end up doing on her/his own. This will be done rhythmically, carefully and with a slow sliding.
Crawling and manipulative practice
On his/her belly we can play with the possibility of the world ob objects, with different materials, with games like presence/absence, with tapestry…
Once he/she has acquired a postural control and a relaxation, flotation will come as a consequence. So, the support of the hands will alternate.
12-24 months
We will try to ensure the habituation and adaptation to the water and the acquisition of balance.
Stand behind the baby, with the support above described of the alternation between one hand and the other under his/her neck, with the fingertips on the baby’s shoulders.
We will slowly and rhythmically make him/her oscillate left and right, so the baby starts to answer with an opposite reaction movement. It is good to brig his/her feet near the overflow drain in order to make him/her lean his/her feet soles; with light impulses towards the wall he/she will feeling and learning the movement and tension of his/her legs.
Basic motricity
― Postural adjustment: we will try to correct and adjust gestures and postures which take functionality from his/her movements.
– 姿勢の調整:身振りや姿勢を修正し、的確に調整できるように練習する必要があります。
― Turning over: the baby must be already able to keep balance autonomously. We will unbalance him/her until he/she is on his/her side so he/she reacts searching a way out for his/her breathing airways. Since now on, we will propose turning over situations consisting on the full turning over, 360o, slowly, with one of our hands on the shoulder we are going to push and the other under the shoulder we are going to pull. We will show him or her the way out, keeping close.
– 寝返り、反転: すでに自然にバランスを保てることが出来る子ども向けです。子どもが横向きになって呼吸をするための水面探しをするように、バランスを崩します。その後は片手で肩を押し、もう片方で肩の下から引っ張り360度ゆっくり回転を行います。近い位置で、子どもが水面を認識するようにします。
Motor expresivity
At this stage the baby has control of her natural body environment adaptation mechanisms and will use them as a way to express herself in the water.
― Turning over: from feet to head and the opposite; a hand on her buttocks and the other one on her neck. With a rhythmic movement we will push from the buttocks up to the vertical letting her fall on her belly; we will shoe her the way out to the surface keeping our hand with her to show her the movement.
– 水中での寝返り、回転: 足首の先から頭までとその逆について: 片方の手でお尻を支えもう片方で首を支えます。リズミカルな動きにより、お尻を垂直方向へ持ち上げ腹部から降ろします。子どもを手で支え水面へ導く動きを教えます。
― Jump: once she answers to unbalancing situations, we will be able to practice some kind of falling. This is basically from one year on.
– ジャンプ: バランスの悪い状態に反応できるようになったら、水に落ちる練習を始めます。ジャンプは基本的に1歳から行います。
― Movement through the water: different kinds: with her arms or legs o both at the same time, alternating, on her back or on her belly.
– 水中での動き: 背中または腹部を水に浸けた状態で体の様々な箇所、例えば腕または足、両方で交互に動かします。
Swimming exercises for children with achondroplasia. Barreal for Fundación ALPE 2012