「ザッツ・アクトレス」輝かしき軟骨無形成症 / “That’s Actress” real brilliant with achondroplasia

「ザッツ・アクトレス」輝かしき軟骨無形成症 / “That’s Actress” real brilliant with achondroplasia








Seeing blog or SNS about ACH, we are going to get courage somehow among them.

Especially, two of them today I ‘m going to introduce makes our family got encouraged further more.

“It is amazing seems like depression or uneasy feelings almost disappear at all”

They are different from nationality and ages but we can see some closer and common points among them.

・They communicate with ACH as own great personality.

・different communication style but can fascinate viewership and let them know and think about ACH and prepared some action for it

・So we can call “that’s real actress”









hitomi goto

■Hitomi Goto

She graduated design college, and now is succeed as designer for fashion and goods with own outlook on the world.

works introducing herself seems like Tmmelise world

For the first time her own exhibition was opened in June 2015.

As a fashion model, she realized to made her debut on the stage Tokyo collection –tenbo held in Oct 2015.

What is tenbo

A fashion brand that is people design for all person in the world

No matter what nationality able/disable ages are and to keep smile, proposing massage of peace and make them friendly


You can watch Tokyo collection below and see Ms. Goto start to step from 6:45.


「歩いているとき感動して胸がいっぱいになりました。 障がいを個性として華やかにオシャレに魅せる うまくいえないけど 最高に素敵なことだと思います 私の衣装は、浴衣のお洋服。戦争のイメージを根本から変えた 平和をデザインした星でできた迷彩柄です☆」




After that she said.

“When start to walk, she was really overwhelmed with emotion.

To fascinate disable as personality.

It is difficult to say but I think is really great.

My wearing designed with star symbolized peace opposite from war”

I can see it very impressed scene that she is walking with imposing presence even in front of viewership. Because she has dream to have get a chance of it.

More information about her, you can check her blog named “chibita’s mini-life with 115cm tall”. Japanese only but you can understand just see images or photos.



アメリカ・アラバマ州在中の6歳の女の子。Little is great のキャッチフレーズのもと、彼女の母親は、軟骨無形成症の理解を深めようと、自ら彼女のFBページを公開しました。中でも5歳当時の2014年10月に公開されたダンス映像では、ポップス曲に合わせてキレッキレのダンスを披露して、世界中からアクセスが集中しました。

She is 6 years lives in Alabama state in US. Her mother opened her facebook page to let people know ACH with phrase “Little is great”. She is small in size but huge in personality and spunk

In particular, the movie shows her dancing when she was 5 opened Oct in 2014 has been watched all over the world because she danced so well with American pops song.


At that time her height was 80 cm tall. But its motion is lots of curiosity and powerful posture with no difference from other normal 5 year girls.

People checked 2 million times after one month since opened and now more than 4 million.


Looking her powerful performance, I have got want my son to pretend her dance.

もっと彼女について知りしたい方は、Smiles From Rileeをご覧ください。

It you know about her more, check Smiles From Rilee.




■for Eigo’s future

I‘d like Eigo to be actor who is able to encourage people no matter what nationality is with his own personality like Ms. Goto.

And near future that is 3-5 yeas later to be a good child who can make people surprised and cheer up like Rilee’s performance.

以上、後藤さん、リリーのママ、Glory to Achondroplasiaへのご紹介について、ご快諾いただきありがとうございました。


That’s all for today. Thank you for your kindness to allow me to introduce your effort, Ms Goto and Mama of Rilee in my blog GLORY TO ACHONDROPLAISA.

I will trust ourselves with your guidance. Keep in tach from now on



    1. eihakuitooka

      ikpさん ありがとうございます!お陰様で彼女のビデオをみていると、エイゴは日に日にアクティブになっていっています。
      Thanks for your comments, ikp-san. Fortunetely, seeing her dancing video, Eigo got to be more active day by day.



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