米ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学発、ACH1,500人の臨床研究 / Johns Hopkins University starting clinical study, 1,500 ACH enrollments

米ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学発、ACH1,500人の臨床研究 / Johns Hopkins University starting clinical study, 1,500 ACH enrollments





Achondroplasia Natural History Multicenter Clinical Study



ドクターは、Treating Achondroplasiaでも紹介されているほどの方です。



I was really impressed that I found a very interesting clinical study.

This subject is not a drug study.


Achondroplasia Natural History Multicenter Clinical Study

The famous Johns Hopkins University is starting a clinical study which needs 1,500 ACH enrollments.

The purpose of this study is to create a database to house phenotypic information from patients with achondroplasia.

The initial focus of this registry will be to include U.S. patients with achondroplasia.

The doctor is also a contact person who is introduced on the websiteTreating Achondroplasia”.

If Japan could be targeted near the future, I gladly would like to collaborate on this study.



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