2月に”グローリー・パーソン with ACH”の初の話題提供者として迎えた西村大樹さんの今を綴ります。実はこの間、いったん宮城県での体育教員としての採用が白紙となり、自身の本意と可能性を問い直し苦闘していました。
Here is the latest letter from Daiki Nishimura about what he is currently up to. After he last talked with us in February this year as a ‘Glorious Person with ACH’ the job offer he received for a position as a physical education teacher in Miyagi Prefecture was withdrawn.
In the meantime, GTA provided Mr. Nishimura with support as he considered whether or not to look overseas for any opportunities. However, after considering his options he decided to stay in Japan and has found a position which he can demonstrate his knowledge and ability in. He refers to himself as a ‘Researcher of Physical Education through Dance’ and we wish him the best of luck.
そして、卒業寸前の3月7日に就職活動が振り出しとなりました。 焦らず、そこからハローワークにも行き軸を決めようと思いましたが厳しい現実とぶつかりました。アルバイトを探すのにすらなかなか思うように進まなかった事から就職活動となると尚更でした。 正直、4月に入るまで自暴自棄になりました。 「社会の荒波にすら入れない。」 これが現実なのかと思い、中高とか関係なく先生にずっとなりたかったのになぜすぐ決断出来なかったのだろう。と後悔と挫折に失ったものを考えながらぐるぐる抜け出せなくなりました。 正直、先生になる事も諦めてとにかく仕事に就きたい一心でした。それでも、障がい者手帳が無いなら一般雇用でと言われる中、身体の事を話せば面接すらしてくれない事が続き、アルバイトを探した時と何も変わらない現実に生きる事を諦めたくもなりました。失ったものばかり数えている中で、小学生時代の恩師から大学の教授方まで、まだ募集している学校を探して下さったり、外に無理やり連れ出して下さったり、笑 仲間や色んな方々に支えられた2ヶ月でした。沢山話をして、やっぱり先生になりたいって気持ちは冷めませんでした。
ご縁があり今、5月16日から静岡県御殿場市の施設で発達障がいや自閉症の子どもたちにダンスや学習面でサポートするお仕事をさせて頂いています。今回の事で、人生は運やタイミングも大切なのだと思い知らされ決断の連続なんだと思いました。 今は、職場の温かい先生方にも囲まれ充実した日々を送らせて頂いています。 色んな先生の形がある事を日々感じ、来年度、学校現場で先生が出来るように着々と準備をしています。 研究も、大学院に行く事も諦めていません。 今年も舞台やダンス公演の本番がいくつかあり、ダンス活動も引き続き挑んでいます。
毎回毎回周りの方々の大きさを感じます。 本当にありがとうございました。 そして、これからもよろしくお願い致します。
舞踊体育研究家 西村大樹
Dear All,
It is long time no see. It has been almost a month since I began my new start. I think I am getting used to the current environment and would like to share with you how I feel.
Last summer I had prepared to become a school teacher with the support of my university lecturer. I was offered a contract position as a physical education teacher and was going to start work at a high school in Miyagi Prefecture for a few years before going back to university to study as a post graduate student.
However, just before March this year I was told that I would no longer be considered for this job as there had been to many applicants. I was then offered a different position to work as an elementary school teacher on a temporary basis. It was really difficult to make a decision, because it had always been my dream to become a high school teacher and I had been preparing to do this for such a long time. I thought I was not good enough for this position. After some serious consideration, time ran out and I had to make a decision, so I chose to decline.
On 7th March this year, just before my graduation, I started seeking a job from scratch. I took my time and talked to the Employment Support Agency here in Japan, then reality hit me. Though it was not easy to find a casual job, it was even harder to find a permanent job. To be honest, I felt despair until the beginning of April when I thought to myself, “Even though I am taking the hard road, society still refuses me” I faced reality. To become a school teacher was my biggest dream, it did not matter which grade. I was so frustrated with myself and I regretted my decision not to have accepted the earlier job offer. In the end I just wanted to have a job, even if this meant giving up on being a teacher. The situation still did not get better. Without a disability certificate, I had to seek employment in the same way as a ‘normal’ person, which meant many companies would reject my application or not offer an interview as soon as they became aware of my physical characteristics. At this time, I felt my efforts were futile. During this period of 2 months when I was only thinking about what I had lost, I was lucky to have former teachers from my elementary school days, university lecturers and so many others who helped and supported me to search for teaching jobs and sometime dragged me outside for fresh air and more. After many conversations, it was clear to me that I really did want to become a teacher.
Since 16th May, I have been working to support children with development disorders and autism through dancingg and general learning at an institution in Gotenba City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Through these experiences I have learnt that life is about decisions. I’ve also realised how both luck and timing are an important part of life too. I now spend each day feeling fulfilled with friendly colleagues. Each day I am learning and realizing that being a ‘teacher’ can take many forms.
While I am still preparing to become a mainstream teacher next year, I have not given up on my research and postgraduate study. I am continuing to dance myself and there are a number of shows I intend to take part in during the year. I really appreciate those people who have and are continuing to support me. Thank you very much for all you have done and your continuing support into the future.
Researcher of Physical Education through Dance – Daiki Nishimura