【グローリー・パーソンwith ACH vol.2】「軟骨無形成症と健常者を繋ぐべく(後半)」/ Glorious PERSON with Achondroplasia vol.2 the 2nd half – Achievement to connect people with Achondroplasia and normal

【グローリー・パーソンwith ACH vol.2】「軟骨無形成症と健常者を繋ぐべく(後半)」/ Glorious PERSON with Achondroplasia vol.2 the 2nd half – Achievement to connect people with Achondroplasia and normal

2017年GTAは、軟骨無形成症を患いながら世界中で活躍するグローリーな方々からのインタビューや講話を提供するシリーズ企画 ”GLORY Person with Achondroplasia” をスタートしました。12月6日(水)17:00より、30年の歴史があるイタリアの軟骨無形成症支援団「AISAC」 代表のマルコ・セッサに御話いただきました。今回は、後半部分(軟骨無形成症と健常者を繋いできたことの成果および読者からの質問)についてインタビュー内容)をお届けします。

GTA based in Tokyo is planning to run lectures and interviews with people who suffer from achondroplasia but have succeeded in their fields through the world, called ” Glorious Person with ACH”. On 6th December Wed, Marco Sessa who is the president of Italian Organization for Achondroplasia named “AISAC” has gave us us an interview. In this time, we are going to post the 1st harf that are ”Achievement to connect people with Achondroplasia and normal”and Q&A from Japanese patients and their parents.

3. Achievement to connect people with Achondroplasia and normal
3. 軟骨無形成症と健常者を繋いできたことの成果

Could you tell me Notices of normal people, members delights and so on, do to AISAC’s efforts?
1stly, we AISAC appeal to schools strongly. In one of our program, we make the sensibility program and have exhibitions about “DIVERSITY” there. We let students make some questions in their classes. We will ask them “what is diversity” how do you feel with diversity? What is your identity? And how do you feel with your identity? I think that the most important thing is that do not divide normarity and achondroplasia. I heard one day before from a student that we are not normality and diversity; all people are different, completely deferent. That is really great opinion. We are not normal and diversity and we have to accept this. It is not that normal is toarget what you have to alive, and the diffrence or divesity that is not has to be disturbing it. All of us are diverse, one case each other and only one person.
私たちAISACは、学校に強く働きかけています。「ダイバーシティ(多様性)」に関する感受性をもってもらうプログラムや展示を行っているのです。「多様性とは何でしょうか?」「多様性についてどう思いますか?」「君たちのアイデンティティは何でしょうか?」「自分のアイデンティティをどのように思いますか?」といった具合に授業で様々な質問をしてみます。私がもっとも重要だと思うのは、「普通(健常)」と「軟骨無形成症」を別のアイデンティティとみなさないことです。 ある時、こんな意見を聞きました。「僕たちは普通でもないし、特殊な存在でもない。みんな各々違っているんだよ」と。すごくいい意見を聞きました。そうです。私たちは、ひとりひとりが特殊な存在でありそれを受け入れて生きています。私たちが生きていくうえで目指しているものは正常(健常)であることではありません。さらにいえば、違いや多様性は私たちが目指すものの妨げにもならないはずです。私たちはみな多様性をもっています。ひとりひとりが異なる個人ですし、唯一たったひとりの自分なのです。

Then, in other kind of approach, but I think it is important. Second thing is “INCLUSION”. People with achondroplasia but also other general disability has to do same alive as all other people. We have to go to school, to have same opportunity, to have friends with normality and to have normal job because this is real inclusion we have. We have to make alive with all others. Our achievement might be that the people who can understand diversity and inclusion are increasing and we are facing today that importance.
Diversity and Inclusion are completely different approach and paradigm. We can say they are not 2 realities that are 1 normal and 1 diversity. Both are in same framework and we can live together better in the mix of paradigm.

Thank you for your sophicated opinions regarding the way of connection achondroplasia and normal. but in Japan it could be not easy to proceed the way of thinking. It is our reality of this contry.
Off course, I know it is difficult. Diversity Inclusion is not easy. It would be easier if we live in another way. But if you want to feel normal, it is mandetory to face its difficult obstcle. もちろん、難しいですよ。ダイバーシティ・インクルージョンは容易ではありません。各々の道を選ぶのであれば、困難から解放されますが、もし、みんなと同じようにしたいと考えるのでしたら、困難な現実と向かい合わねばなりません。

4. Q&A (Please answer questions from Japanese patients and their parents)
4. 質疑応答(日本の軟骨無形成症の当事者やご家族からの質問にお答えいただきます)

Now we are moving on Q&A from Japanese patients and their parents through the GTA website.
1stly, from a grandmother who has 4 years grandchild with achondroplasia living in Hyogo Pref.最初は、兵庫県にお住まいで4歳の軟骨無形成症の孫さんをお持ちの祖母様からです。

Q1: When was your most harsh moment and what was an event?
My harshest moment is around 11-14 years old. It is that we start to be adults, haven’t been adults yet. That is adolescence, I do not know if you like, that everyone experience as beginning of teenager in fact some of our friends start to have girlfriends and some of us not. Anyway, my most harsh moment was around 11-14 years.


Q2: And how did you overcome it in that situation?
I don’t know how that was. Probablly I think I was waiting for all of harsh moments passed and I didn’t have the good solution. And I do believe most of harsh memonts like this must be preparation period for next stage that is to be good adult.


I also remember in my memory that period is most harsh moments for me. So I think there is no big differences between people with achondroplasia and normal. So your feeling as quite normal.

Yes, absolutely normal. But it would be more harsh moment for achondrolasia.
I undersatand your words “study and be patience” should be make sence from this context.

-From mother who has 2 years child with achondroplasia
Q3: Could you tell me about your limb lengthening story?
My limb lengthening story is old. So it has changed everything compared to mine. Probably this mother wants to know current examples. There are lots of medical center to do limb lengthening in the world. For example, in Italy we have 5 famous clinical centers. It is really common for us to do it. It helps people with achondroplasia to improve good QOL. But we can’t eliminate achondroplasia. So limb lengthening makes you easy in your daily life, for example, driving a car, to take public train and bus, speaking to person and so forth.
This is improvement of quality of life. But we have to know that achondroplasia is not to be eliminated.

-From mother who has 4 years child with achondroplasia live in Tokyo.
Q4: Do you have any medical support for foreigners like ALPE?

Yes, we would like to help foreigners. But, we don’t have medical support like ALPE. ALPE is foundation. So they can make budget from donations and use that for help people achondroplasia.
But I can say since we work with medical centers in Italy, we can help connecting foreigners to them.

-From 22 years guy with achondroplasia working as Exercise Therapist

Q6: In Italy, do you have any supports played by people with achondroplasia but also other conditions?

Yes, there are some laws that could cover supporting people with a disability /rare disease like Achondroplasia. In Italy we have National Health Public Service (no extara health insurance needed), so we have guarantee the most health services without pay for it or paying a tax calculate on the personal incomes.

By the way, do you have any athlete with achondroplasia to compete in the Paralympic Games?ちなみにイタリアでは、パラリンピックに出場している軟骨無形成症の人はいますか。
No. because in Italy is really common to get limb lengthen operation. Once they have it, it going to be difficult to do in that support competitions.

I got it. In Japanese case, the argument point is that most likely it is difficult for people with achondroplasia to have disability handbook.

Q7: What is the biggest social problem surrounding achondroplasia?

The biggest social problem is “gaze” and “prejudice” that we are not person but “dwarf” fairy tale character. People think people with achondroplasia from fantasy world.
We have to explain one by one that we are normal in terms of intelligence at work.


-From mother who has 1 year child with achondroplasia having interests in rehabilitation for infants with Achondroplasia living in Tokyo

Q8: In her impression, most likely people in Japan are not familiar with achondroplasia. So they tend to hesitate to speak to people with Achondroplasia. How about recognition from society in Italy? Do you have any specific support from the government?

Answer of this question was said before. In other thing, I can say that today here in Italy the school system is very inclusive so children with achondroplasia start to be “present” and “familiar” to the society till from first year of life frequenting nursery school. In the past fifty years ago for example could be that some achondroplasia persons were marginalized. but today for fortune is not like; I know that Italian school system is very avant-garde.



Q9: When did your parents tell you that you were with achondroplasia? And how did you feel at that time? Could you tell me how they enhance your “Self-esteem”?

I don’t remember but I think my parents never told me. I was very lucky that I have younger in our family members. I had 3 bother and 1 sister. Since I was smallest and youngest, I was beloved. Off course they said to me that you are different from other friends. But they emphasized the differences to just among normal.


-From mother who has 3 years child with achondroplasia living in Australia

Q10: hobby or things you enjoy

My hobby is reading a book and taking a walk.

How about AISAC management?
It is not hobby but part of my work.

Q11: Being short stature is a disadvantage for getting jobs in Italy?
No. Because there is Employment Non-Discrimination Law that guarantee equal opportunities.

Q12: Society prejudges people with short stature in Italy?

It is that I told you before. But it is less compared to other countries. So I could say “curiosity” rather than prejudges.

Q14: Governments was of dealing with Achondroplasia? Any special rules or funding?

Yes, there is the chance to have a sort of social-aid both welfare payments and welfare found; this opportunities is for all people with a particular disability grade.

Please give us message to people with ACH and their families in Japan.

Believe in your own identity, improve yourself, grow, not (only) in height, but in your inner reality. Your strength is the awareness of your condition and what you can do in person to change and transform your life.

That’s all for today. Thank you very much to talk about your precious story and opinion.

It was my big pressure to talk to you even Skype. I hope you to come back to Italy again.



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