中長期的な健全成長を目指す小学校生活の心構え/ Readiness for elementary school life aiming for healthy both mentally and physically growth over the medium to long term

中長期的な健全成長を目指す小学校生活の心構え/ Readiness for elementary school life aiming for healthy both mentally and physically growth over the medium to long term


It is expected to be a major life for families looking to enter elementary school or entering elementary school, elementary school life. If we look at the future vision of the next five or ten years, I think it will be important to develop inner growth that thinks positively about everything and to acquire individuality and special skills that are cultivated based on unique values. Based on them, I will introduce a way of thinking that parents should have in the growth process of elementary school life.

[Points to be acquired in elementary school life]



1. Finding an intention to think positively about anything while facing external pressure

It can be said that it is inevitable that the child with achondroplasia tackles a lot of external pressure and the limit while seeing the physical handicap which spreads greatly in school life. Under such circumstances, the willingness to always take a positive view of and deal with everything should be an important inner foundation to support growth in the next five or ten years.


軟骨無形成症や障害を維持する方々の多くに、自分流の哲学/価値観そして、独自の個性や特技を有する方々が存在します。彼らは困難と向かう合うなかで“折り合い”というひとまずの妥協を見出す反面、ポジティブ側面の新しいを見出すことで確信と納得に裏付けられた自分流の価値観を体得するものです。このプロセスに見出された成果がもたらすものは、近い将来に必ずや身に付く”個性“や “特技“といえるでしょう。

2. Personality and special skills that you acquire your own values ​​and eventually wear

Many people who maintain achondroplasia and disability have their own philosophy/values, as well as people with unique personalities and special skills. While facing a difficult compromise of “compromising” in the face of difficulties, they find new values ​​on the positive side to gain their own values ​​supported by conviction and conviction. The achievements found in this process can be said to be “individuality” and “special skills” that will be acquired in the near future.



3. From line drawing of points to be overcome/points to rely on others to building good relationships and maximizing QOL

In the process of growth, the line drawing will always fluctuate. In general, what you can do is expected to spread, but if physical complications become apparent, you may not be able to do what you used to be. It is important to draw the line between what you can do and rely on and build a cooperative relationship while always communicating with your school teachers and friends. As a result, it should lead to the maximization of QOL that cannot be achieved by oneself, and the great success of the details.



We believe that the above ideas will underpin the realization of free and carefree learning.

On the other hand, in order to learn and build these in six years, especially for parents who are planning to live in school next year, it is necessary to look at the current entrance issues, consult with the Board of Education and the school, and make plans to enter the school. In the next issue, we will take a look at these issues and introduce the necessary considerations.



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