On March 20th, 2021 (local time in the state of California),
BioMarin announced the following press release regarding Vosoritide, a drug for
the treatment of children with achondroplasia that is under development. GTA
translates into Japanese and delivers.
* The official language of this document is English, so this language has
priority over its content and interpretation. See Source for details.
カリフォルニア州サンラファエル、2021年3月20日 /PRNewswire/ — -BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. (NASDAQ:BMRN)は本日、15μg/kg量のVosoritideの第3相試験の非盲検長期延長試験データが、オーストラリア・ビクトリア州メルボルン大学ParkvilleのMurdoch小児病院研究所の臨床研究者であるRavi Savarirayan, M.B., B.S.教授による内分泌学会の年次総会(ENDO21)の口頭発表で報告されました。Vosoritideは、ヒトにおける不均衡な低身長の最も一般的な疾患である軟骨無形成症の治療のためのC型ナトリウムペプチド(CNP)の日時注射を要するアナログ製剤です。
ENDO21で発表された非盲検試験の延長データは、小児がVosoritideによる継続的な治療を2年間行い、年間成長速度(AGV)の増加を維持したことを示しました。 2年間のVosoritideの治療を受けた小児のベースライン平均AGVは、4.28cm/年でした。1年間の治療の後、平均AGVは5.71 cm/年であり、2年目以降はAGVが5.65cm/年であったため、治療2年間を通じて軟骨無形成症の成長不足の大方が持続的に回復することがわかりました。被験者はまた、平均身長の集団と比較する尺度であるZスコアの改善を示しました。
非盲検延長アームでプラセボ投与群からVosoritide投与群に移行した被験者では、1年後にVosoritideによる治療を受けた小児と比較して、1年後に同様の効能が認められました。 治療に移行した被験者のベースライン平均AGVは3.99cm/年で、1年間の治療の後の平均AGVは5.57cm/念でした。
「Vosoritideは軟骨無形成症の根本原因への対処を想定していますので、まずは一貫した成長水準を維持することが重要です」と、ガイズとセントトーマスのNHS財団信託、イギリス・ロンドンの臨床遺伝学者で、Melita Irving, Clinical Geneticist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trustは述べています。「Vosoritideの臨床プログラムは堅調であり、長期的な評価を通じて軟骨無形成症の他の重要な医学的転帰への影響を評価し続けます。総じてデータは良好で、軟骨無形成症に対するこの最初の唯一の標的型精密治療の可能性となるものと思われます」
BioMarinの世界研究開発プレジデントのHank Fuchsは次のように述べました。
2021年1月、当社はFDAから、VosoritideのNDAが、対処する深刻な小児の適応症と現在利用可能な治療オプションの欠如に基づいて優先審査指定を付与されたという通知を受け取りました。進行中のアプリケーション・レビューの分類変更に関するFDAのポリシーと合致し、処方薬使用料法の日付はこの指定の影響を受けません。承認された場合、Vosoritide NDAは優先審査保証(PRV)の対象となる可能性があります。 PRVは、他の方法ではその指定の対象とならない後続の薬剤申請に優先審査を付与します。希少疾患レビューバウチャープログラムは、小児の希少疾患の予防または治療のための新薬および生物学的製剤の開発を奨励するために計画されています。
Vosoritideの規制当局への提出が承認されると、FDAは2018年5月11日に開催された小児諮問委員会(PAC)および内分泌代謝薬諮問委員会(EMDAC)で提起された、異なる年齢層での2年間の対照試験を推奨する立場を繰り返しました。 BioMarinは、1年間のランダム化、二重盲検、プラセボ対照の第3相試験の非常に説得力のある結果と、堅牢性と比較された最大5年間の長期追跡調査を伴う第2相試験のデータを組み合わせることを想定しています。成長に関する自然歴データと第3相試験から2年間のデータは、Vosoritideが最終的に成人の身長を増加させる軟骨内の骨成長速度に永続的な影響を与えるかどうかを評価するための厳密かつ信頼性の高い方法を示してくれます。
2年間のデータは、15ug/kg/日で投与されたVosoritideが、概して新規の一般的な安全所見なく十分に許容されていることが示されました。有害事象(AE)の大半は軽度であり、重篤な有害事象は研究薬関連として報告されませんでした。 注射部位反応は最も一般的な薬物関連のAEであり、すべて一過性でした。不均衡な骨成長または骨病理に関連するAEはみられませんでした。臨床的に有意な血圧低下や新規の安全性所見は認められませんでした。
当試験は、軟骨無形成症の小児におけるVosoritideの極めて重要な二重盲検、プラセボ対照研究の継続的な非盲検長期延長研究です。治療前観察期間を経て、されに1年間の重要な第3相試験を経て、合計119人の小児が延長研究に登録され、全員が毎日15μg/kgのVosoritideで二重盲検治療を受けています。Vosoritideは、成長板がまだ開いている小児に展開されています。 当年齢層は軟骨無形成症の人口の約25%にあたります。延長研究は、被検者が成人の最終身長に至るまでの安全性、AGV、および向上した累積年間身長を評価しています。 二次的および探索的エンドポイントにはZスコア、体や四肢の比率および関節幾何学いった広範な人体測定学的項目を含まれたています。具体的には、生化学的, 生マーカー・骨成長や健康の放射線学的評価、すなわち健康に関する生活の質(HRQoL)、発達状態、および機能的独立性の評価を目的とするものです。これらの付加的エンドポイントは、Vosoritideが軟骨無形成症に与得るすべての事象を想定します。
BioMarin Announces Oral Presentation at ENDO2021, the Endocrine Society’s Annual Meeting, with Data Demonstrating 2 Years of Treatment Benefit in Children with Achondroplasia Treated with Vosoritide
Height Gain is Maintained in 2nd Year of Treatment
Mar 20, 2021
SAN RAFAEL, Calif., March 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. (NASDAQ: BMRN) today announced that data from the open-label long-term extension of the Phase 3 study of 15 µg/kg dose of vosoritide was presented at an oral presentation at ENDO21, the Endocrine Society’s Annual Meeting by Professor Ravi Savarirayan, M.B., B.S., M.D., clinical investigator from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Royal Children’s Hospital, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria. Vosoritide is an investigational, once daily injection analog of C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) for the treatment of achondroplasia, the most common form of disproportionate short stature in humans.
The data from the open-label extension presented at ENDO21 showed that children maintained an increase in Annual Growth Velocity (AGV) through the second year of continuous treatment with vosoritide. Children who received two years of vosoritide therapy had a baseline mean AGV of 4.28 cm/year. After one year of treatment, mean AGV was 5.71 cm/year and after the second year mean AGV was 5.65 cm/year, demonstrating sustained restoration of a major portion of the growth deficit in achondroplasia through the second year of treatment. Children also had an improved height z-score, which is a measure of height relative to that of a similar population of average height.
In the children who were crossed over from placebo to vosoritide in the open-label extension arm, similar efficacy after one year was observed compared to children who received treatment with vosoritide after one year. Children who were crossed over to treatment had a baseline mean AGV of 3.99 cm/year. After one year of treatment, mean AGV was 5.57 cm per year.
Retention of subjects on treatment was high with 93% of patients originally randomized to receive vosoritide remaining on treatment two years later.
“This is an important extension of the original study’s findings and confirm that the benefits of vosoritide are sustained during treatment through two years,” said Savarirayan. “While these two-year data are encouraging at showing a durable treatment effect, longer term follow-up will provide additional insights on improvements in body proportions and whether such improvements can potentially make a difference in certain aspects of a child’s life.”
“Maintaining a consistent level of growth is important because it supports that vosoritide is addressing the root cause of achondroplasia,” said Melita Irving, Clinical Geneticist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK and investigator for the vosoritide clinical program at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital. “The clinical program for vosoritide is robust and will continue to evaluate the impact on other important medical outcomes in achondroplasia through long-term evaluation. Overall, the data are encouraging, and allows us to imagine the potential for this first and only targeted precision treatment for achondroplasia.”
“We continue to take a relentless approach to advance our understanding of how vosoritide could potentially benefit children with achondroplasia, and to collect the information families and physicians will need to make informed decisions about the choice of treatment,” said Hank Fuchs, M.D., President, Worldwide Research and Development at BioMarin. “We are encouraged by the consistency of this data with our expectations based on the known biology of CNP effects on growth, and with earlier studies, specifically with regards to durability of effect in absence of pathological advancement of bone age. We are grateful to the children, families and investigators for participating in this study and allowing the opportunity for the scientific exchange of clinical data at medical meetings like ENDO2021.”
Vosoritide Safety
The 2-year data demonstrated that vosoritide, administered at 15ug/kg/day was generally well tolerated with no new safety findings. The majority of adverse events (AEs) were mild and no serious adverse events were reported as study drug-related. Injection site reactions were the most common drug-related AEs, and all were transient. There were no AEs related to disproportionate bone growth or bone pathology. No clinically significant blood pressure decreases or new safety findings were observed.
Regulatory Status
In 2020, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accepted and validated the marketing authorization application for vosoritide for achondroplasia. The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) opinion is expected in Europe in June of 2021. The U.S. New Drug Application (NDA) for vosoritide is under review by the FDA with a Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) target action date of August 20, 2021. In the United States, the Company has chosen to provide the 2-year outcomes from the Phase 3 extension study to the FDA as additional data to convey the vosoritide treatment effect and long-term durability. The Company believes that supplying this additional data could result in a major amendment, resetting the current PDUFA target action date out three months to November.
In January 2021, the Company received notice from the FDA that the NDA for vosoritide had been granted Priority Review Designation based on the serious pediatric indication it addresses, and the lack of treatment options currently available. Consistent with FDA’s policy on changes to review classification for an ongoing application review, the PDUFA action date is not affected by this designation. If approved, the vosoritide NDA may qualify for a Priority Review Voucher (PRV). A PRV confers priority review to a subsequent drug application that would not otherwise qualify for that designation. The rare pediatric disease review voucher program is designed to encourage development of new drugs and biologics for the prevention or treatment of rare pediatric diseases.
Upon the acceptance of the regulatory submission for vosoritide, the Agency reiterated a position raised during the Pediatric Advisory Committee (PAC) and Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee (EMDAC) held on May 11, 2018 recommending two-year controlled trials in different age groups. BioMarin believes the highly persuasive outcomes from the one-year randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 3 trial, coupled with data from the Phase 2 program with up to 5 years of long-term follow-up that has been compared to robust natural history data on growth and the updated 2-year data from the Phase 3 study, offers a rigorous and reliable method to assess whether vosoritide has a durable impact on the rate of endochondral bone growth that ultimately increases final adult height.
Vosoritide has also received orphan drug designation from the FDA and EMA for the treatment of children with achondroplasia. The Orphan Drug Designation program is intended to advance the evaluation and development of products that demonstrate promise for the diagnosis and/or treatment of rare diseases or conditions.
Description of Phase 3 Extension Study
This is an ongoing open-label long-term extension study to a completed pivotal, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of vosoritide in children with achondroplasia. A total of 119 children were enrolled in the extension study after completion of the pre-treatment observation period and one year of treatment in the pivotal phase 3 study, and all are receiving open-label treatment with vosoritide 15 mcg/kg daily. Vosoritide is being tested in children whose growth plates are still “open.” This is approximately 25% of people with achondroplasia. The extension study is evaluating safety, AGV, and cumulative annual height gain until participants reach final adult height. A wide range of secondary and exploratory endpoints include anthropometric measures such as height Z-score, body and limb proportionality and joint geometry; biochemical, biomarker and radiological assessments of bone growth and health; and evaluations of health-related quality of life (HRQoL), developmental status, and functional independence. These additional endpoints address the overall impact vosoritide has on achondroplasia.
Source: Biomarin Website