世界では10月を「世界小人症啓発月間」”World/International Dwarf Awareness Month“と定めています。発端は定かでないものの、LPA(Little People of America)では2011年よりこの月間をスタートし、小人症を呈する人々の多様性と生活を称えてきました。2013年にメキシコで始めった緑の基調として進める動きも今年で10回目を迎えました。
In the world, October is designated as “Dwarfism Awareness Month”. Although the origin is unknown, LPA (Little People of America) started this month in 2011 to celebrate the diversity and lives of people with dwarfism. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the movement to promote the green theme that started in Mexico in 2013.
- ALPE FOUNDATION, 第7回 軟骨無形成症と骨系統疾患に関する世界会合への参加およびプレゼンテーション(軟骨無形成症の当事者が、適正に評価される社会を創造するうえでの課題
- ALPE FOUNDATION, 第7回 軟骨無形成症と骨系統疾患に関する世界会合の国内報告会
- AUF AUGENHOEHE – Fashion for Little People とのコラボレーション・サイトの立ち上げ
- 短編映画 『高く立っていたい』の日本語字幕版の公開
- 東京近郊でのピクニックの開催
GTA held the International Dwarf Fashion Show on October 26th, 2016 in Tokyo. Since then, we have continued small efforts to connect people involved in achondroplasia and general friends by inviting people with achondroplasia who have brilliant experiences to hold talk events. And in this month of 2022, we plan to carry out the following activities in this month in order to further trials.
- ALPE FOUNDATION, Participation and presentation at 7th International Congress on Achondroplasia and Other Bone Dysplasia
- Holding a briefing session in Japan of the 7th International Congress on Achondroplasia and Other Bone Dysplasia
- Launch of collaboration site with AUF AUGENHOEHE – Fashion for Little People
- Released the Japanese subtitled version of the short film “Stand Tall”
- Holding a picnic in the suburbs of Tokyo
紀元前の遥か昔から存在することが知られている当疾患ですが、多くの国や地域では断絶され、日の目を見る機会は限られてきました。しかしながら、今、小さなうねりが数を成して何かがゆっくりと動いているように感じられます。 一人でも多くの他者にボールを渡すかのように伝え、社会への浸透を目指されるものです。
During Awareness Month, it is important for individuals to convey as much as possible about dwarfism to people around them, based on the activities of the organization. We also hope that this month will be an opportunity for better social awareness while keeping in mind the policies of Pioneers.
Although this disease is known to have existed since ancient times, it has been discontinued in many countries and regions, and opportunities to see the light of day have been limited. However, now, small undulations form a number and something moves slowly, giving others a pass and aiming to permeate society.
(Reference) Policies of world organizations
The following is translated by GTA with reference to each country’s website. The official language of this document is English, and both languages shall prevail for their content and interpretation. See Source for details.
Little People of America(US)
一方、具体的には、私たちひとりひとりが、「ドワーフ(小人)」であることに誇りを持ち、社会に正当に存在することの価値を称え、それに従事するための期間なのです。–代表 Mark Povinelli President
Dwarfism Awareness Month is ostensibly an opportunity to promote and educate society on the vast diversity of our community but truly is a dedicated time for us to celebrate and indulge in our Dwarf Pride and the value we bring to the world we rightfully exist in. – Mark Povinelli, President
Source: LPA Press Release – Oct 1, 2022 (Dwarfism Awareness Month).pdf (
Restricted Growth Association(UK)
- 小人症の人々の 80% は、普通の身長のごく一般的な両親から生まれています。
- 小人症の人々にとって、普通の身長の人々と同様にできることは限られていますが、別の方法をもってそれらを成し得ることができます。
- 小人症の最も一般的なタイプは次の3つのです。 軟骨無形成症、先天性脊椎骨端異形成症、ダイストロフィー性異形成症
- 小人症は知的障害ではありません。小人症の人々は正常な知性を持っています。
- 小人症はすべての人種と民族において誕生します
- 軟骨無形成症は、英国で生まれた赤ちゃんの約 25,000 人に 1 人の確率で突然変異として発生します。
- 80% of people with restricted growth are born to parents of average height
- People with restricted growth can do just about anything a person of average height can – just sometimes in a different way
- The three most common types of Dwarfism are; Achondroplasia, Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita and Diastrophic dysplasia
- Dwarfism isn’t an intellectual disability – people with dwarfism have normal intelligence.
- Dwarfism occurs in all races and ethnicities
- Achondroplasia affects approximately 1 in 25,000 babies born in the UK
Source: Dwarfism Awareness Month ~ Restricted Growth Association UK (
Short Statured People of Australia (Australia)
- 小人症と骨格異形成には 200 以上の異なる形態があります。
- 小人症患者の 80% は、平均的な身長の両親と兄弟を持っています。
- 小人症の状態にある人は世界で651,000 人いると推定されています。小人症は認知面でなく、骨の成長に影響するものです。小人症の最も一般的な状態は軟骨無形成症であり、腕と脚が不均衡に短くなる遺伝性疾患です。
- 軟骨無形成症の成人の平均身長は 4 フィート(1.22m)です。
- 不均衡な低身長をもたらす他の比較的一般的な遺伝的状態には、先天性脊椎骨端異形成症 (SED)、拡張性異形成症、偽軟骨無形成症、軟骨形成不全症、および骨形成不全症 (OI) が含まれます。
Dwarfism isn’t:
- a disease that requires a “cure” – most people with a condition of dwarfism live long, fulfilling lives
- a reason to assume someone is incapable. People with dwarfism go to school, go to work, find partners and raise children, just like their average-sized peers.
Dwarfism is:
- there are over 200 distinct forms of dwarfism and skeletal dysplasia’s
- 80% of people with dwarfism have average-height parents and siblings
- there are estimated to be 651,000 persons internationally with a condition of dwarfism
- dwarfism affects bone growth, not cognitive abilities.
- The most common condition of dwarfism is achondroplasia, a genetic disorder that results in disproportionate short arms and legs. The average height of adults with achondroplasia is 4 foot.
- Other relatively common genetic conditions that result in disproportionate short stature include spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (SED), diastrophic dysplasia, pseudoachondroplasia, hypochondroplasia, and osteogenesis imperfecta (OI).
Source: Dwarfism Awareness Month – SSPA