Today I added a category function to be able to check what you want to look. Categories are below.
- 1.物語の始まり/begining of the story
- 2.成長と適応/growing and mitigation
- 2-1.合併症/complications
- 2-2.誕生日/annual birthday
- 3.新薬/new-medcine
- 3-1.bmn111(vosoritide)
- 3-2.statine
- 3-3.Meclizine
- 4.人脈づくり/networking
- 5.制度/institution
- 6.private
- XX.others
前回の投稿で、本ブログ”Glory to Achondroplasia”77度目の投稿となり、雑多な印象も受けてまいりました。
Last contribution was just 77 times in this blog. It was to be a little more. So I added to categories to distinguish to look what you want. The reason why I add that is a table below. As you can see, the table show the history of Glory to Achondroplasia that is accumulation of each page access on Oct. 25th 2015.
Most of viewership check archive and pages some time ago.
That’s it to be shorter to check your needs.
Categories located in top page under archive.
accumulation of number of each page access on October 25th 2015